Motorboat & Yachting



Dockmate is basically a remote control that lets you operate your vessel at docking speeds from anywhere aboard. The basic models allow you to control engines in and out of gear and bow and stern thrusters to give complete control. More sophistica­ted versions combine all these functions into a three-axis joystick so that you just push the joystick in the desired direction and it marshals them appropriat­ely for you.

The next level, currently being introduced, combines Dynamic Positionin­g System. Driven by an IMU unit (which includes a compass, accelerome­ter and gyroscope) and a DPS receiver installed within the vessel that connects to Dockmate GNSS antennas, it is designed for installati­on on any vessel with at least two engines and Dockmate-compatible engine and thruster controls. And what it does is allow for wind and tide drift. So in simple terms, when the boat is stationary and begins to drift, the system will hold station automatica­lly for you. There are two operating modes: one mode for use on the open water and another mode to use for short periods of time in close quarters. In the open water operating mode, DPS will use only the engines to keep the boat in its target position, which could be useful for hanging out fenders before entering harbour.

In the close quarters operating mode, DPS uses both the engines and bow and stern thrusters in concert to keep the vessel more precisely in its target position, more useful for the tighter confines of a marina.



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