Money Week

The strong appeal of private equity

HarbourVes­t is a fund-of-funds providing cheap access to fast-growing unlisted companies

- Max King Investment columnist

The popularity of any investment trust, and hence the discount or premium to net asset value (NAV) at which its shares trade, ought in theory to reflect its historic performanc­e and its prospects for the future. Investors, however, are far from rational. A trust that has grown its NAV by 251% in ten years, doubling it in five, compared with the FTSE All-World index’s total return of 138%, ought to be a market darling. But the shares of HarbourVes­t Global Private Equity (LSE: HVPE) trade at a discount of over 40%.

Doesn’t that suggest that its portfolio is massively overvalued? That argument might be plausible if stockmarke­ts had crashed, the world was facing recession, valuations were defying gravity and disposals had ground to a halt. But markets have been rising steadily against a benign economic backdrop. The average valuation multiple for a representa­tive sample of the portfolio at year end was a reasonable 14 times cash flow, average cash flow having increased 15% in the year.

A conservati­ve valuation

In the year to 31 January 2024, around 10% of the portfolio was sold at an average premium to carrying value of 24%, which suggests that the portfolio valuation is conservati­ve. A conservati­ve valuation makes it easy to continue generating uplifts in the future. One of HVPE’s largest investment­s, accounting for 2.1% of the portfolio, is Chinese fast-fashion group Shein, expected to list in London soon.

Why, then, doesn’t HVPE buy back shares at such a discount? Actually, it has been doing so since September 2022, having bought back 2.9 million shares, nearly 4% of those in issue, and contributi­ng 86 cents to a NAV of $50.47. The board has allocated $150m-$250m to a buyback pool, which JPMorgan estimates would add 2.9% to 5.2% to NAV at current prices. Are the shares illiquid? No, the market value of HVPE is £1,840m. Are costs high? Total expenses in the year were 1.8% of average NAV, of which one third was incurred in the underlying funds. Managing private equity is expensive, with costs more comparable to a listed company than to a fund investing in listed shares, but the returns are significan­tly higher.

HVPE invests via 63 funds managed by HarbourVes­t Partners and also in 16 co-investment­s. As a result, with 1,334 companies in the underlying portfolio, it is very well diversifie­d. This means that there is little visibility of the underlying holdings, but the impact from individual problem companies will be very low. Investors appear to think the former matters more than the latter, but it is not obvious why. HVPE’s peer group of “fund-of-fund” private-equity trusts trades on an average discount to NAV of 35% (HVPE’s is the highest), with an average five-year return of 96% (HVPE’s is the second-highest). There are other private-equity trusts with better records than HVPE, but trading on a lower discount. There are some on higher discounts, but with terrible performanc­e records.

James Glass of Numis Securities points out that

“in the UK, private equity... polarises opinion with a widespread view that it represents a culture of ‘greed is good’. As a result, benchmarks for personal, charitable and institutio­nal investment have no allocation to it”. The UK’s aversion is both unique and irrational, given that “listed private equity consistent­ly outperform­s public equity, net of fees, by an average 6.25% per annum”.

Listed private equity provides investors access to an outperform­ing asset class that they could not access directly, with good liquidity at bargainbas­ement prices. Within a very undervalue­d sector, the combinatio­n of HVPE’s very strong performanc­e record and inexplicab­ly high discount is hard to beat – especially with the board trying to narrow the discount and add to NAV by buying back shares.

 ?? ?? China’s fast-fashion group Shein makes up 2.1% of the portfolio
China’s fast-fashion group Shein makes up 2.1% of the portfolio
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