MMM The Motorhomers' Magazine

Q Is my motorhome alarm approved by Thatcham?


I am in the process of buying a new Auto-Sleeper M-Star, as tested recently by MMM.

I have an issue with insurance. The brochure states that a tracking system is standard (I understand this is by Sargent and is accepted by the insurance company).

The insurance company also insists on a Category 1 alarm (in addition to the tracker).

The dealer (also well establishe­d) arranged for an alarm engineer to attend, only to find that an alarm is already fitted by Mercedes. It has interior motion sensors and operates on all doors and the bonnet. In addition, it deadlocks the doors so they cannot be opened even if a window is smashed. This system sounds very secure.

However, the insurance company (well known in the industry) insists that it must have a Thatcham certificat­e in order for insurance to be issued.

The dealer kindly made enquiries with Mercedes and sent me copies of the security details.

The dilemma is that the alarm is fitted at Mercedes during production, but does not appear to be issued with a British Thatcham certificat­e. It is only a certificat­e that is the sticking point for insurance to be issued.

I would appreciate any suggestion­s or advice as to how I could proceed to get insurance cover based purely on this aspect.

Colin Snow A Having spoken to two insurance companies about this situation, both companies were clear that for such a highvalue ’van (around £125k) they would insist on a Thatchamap­proved Cat 1 alarm and immobilise­r, as well as a tracker system. One company even went so far as to suggest it would prefer to see a S5 or S5+ tracker system fitted rather than the S7 tracker fitted.

Whilst Cat 1 alarms and immobilise­r systems are generally standard fitment on cars, with motorhomes it all depends on the commercial van manufactur­er and the motorhome converter’s specificat­ion. Some van manufactur­ers will fit just a Cat 2 immobilise­r, others a full Cat 1 alarm and immobilise­r. There are third-party companies that will upgrade a Cat 2 system to a Cat 1 at a cost of around £500. For many prospectiv­e motorhome purchasers this may well be rather galling to pay extra to obtain insurance after forking out £150k.

My investigat­ion shows that from 2006, the Cat 1 system was an option on the Sprinter van. However, Colin has now informed me that through the efforts of his dealer, Auto-Sleepers has confirmed Sprinter vans with this alarm fitted meet Thatcham Cat 1 status and his insurance company has accepted this. My insurance company, Caravan Guard, has also confirmed Thatcham accepts Mercedes Sprinters have a Cat 1 system fitted.

Clearly the moral of this story is that before committing yourself to a significan­t motorhome purchase check out the insurance requiremen­ts.

Barry Norris

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