MMM The Motorhomers' Magazine



New research, commission­ed by the Camping and Caravannin­g Club, has found that one in four city-dwelling children have never seen a deer or bird of prey.

The poll of 1,000 city-based parents and their children aged six to 12 also found 21% of youngsters have never attempted to climb a tree, while 35% have never slept in a tent.

Others have never been camping (32%), eaten a meal that was cooked on a camp stove (39%), or gone crabbing in rock pools (41%). And 39% of city children visit the countrysid­e a maximum of three times a year.

The findings come as the Camping and Caravannin­g Club’s new President, Hamza Yassin, celebrates National Camping and Caravannin­g Week by launching a new initiative to provide people with essential wildlife and camping experience­s.

Hamza, who took more than 40 first-time campers to the countrysid­e to teach them all about British wildlife, said, “I love going camping, connecting with nature and experienci­ng wildlife.

“It’s something I believe all children should have the opportunit­y to do – because, let’s face it – they are the future when it comes to protecting our natural world.

“It was great to be able to introduce families to the joy of camping and show how it really puts you on nature’s doorstep – giving them the chance to learn about the incredible outdoors and all the benefits it can bring.”

The study also found 63% of parents whose child has visited a rural area believe their youngster would like to experience it more.

Despite this, 55% of all parents claim their child prefers being outdoors rather than indoors – and 31% believe them to be very interested in nature and wildlife.

Of those polled, 52% of parents said they spent more time outside than their children do now, with 63% concerned about the availabili­ty of green space.

Hamza added, “Camping and sleeping in the outdoors is one of the best ways to experience this, as it puts nature front of mind.”

 ?? ?? Meadow Falls
Meadow Falls

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