Mid Sussex Times

Hunt & co delighted with Germany win

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Will Hunt closed out a dominant victory on his 2024 return to the Nürburgrin­g Nordschlei­fe with Adrenalin Motorsport teammates Nico Silva, Yannik Himmels and Michel Albers.

The Sussex Autos-backed driver from Hurstpierp­oint bettered the podium he achieved on his debut at ‘The Ring’ in 2023.

He brought home the winners' trophy in his first competitiv­e outing with the #651 BMW M240i Racing Cup in the red flag-shortened Nurburgrin­g Langstreck­en-Serie (NLS) ROWE 6h ADAC Pokal-Rennen.

Hunt had only one session on the Nürburgrin­g Grand Prix loop and a short run on the full Nordschlei­fe to get acquainted with the #651 BMW’s controls and understand its handling characteri­stics.

Hunt, Silva, Himmels and Albers placed the Sussex Autos-sponsored BMW on pole position, aware they also had strategic flexibilit­y with very little to choose between all four drivers over a race stint.

The ROWE 6h ADAC Pokal-Rennen began as mist was replaced by a rain shower. The track turned into an ice-rink and the red flags flew when the top six overall skated off into the barriers.

At the head of the M240i Racing Cup class, Silva – the starting driver in the polesittin­g #651 machine – had been in the process of building a healthy advantage when the race was halted. At the restart, the gap continued expanding.

Himmels made further gains and circulated significan­tly quicker than the opposing M240i Racing Cups until he was summoned in to give way to Albers.

The lead gap remained relatively static at approximat­ely 2m30s during the third hour. Happily, Hunt had the honour of closing out the truncated four-hour race for the #651 crew, who temporaril­y relinquish­ed P1 when the sister car went a lap further before boxing for its final driver-change.

However, with sector times that were super consistent and frequently quicker than his pursuers, the

Sussex Autos-backed driver was some six minutes clear of the competitio­n after Adrenalin Motorsport ran down its mandatory minimum pit time in a fourth stop with the #651 car.

Hunt brought it home to a controlled victory.

 ?? ?? Will Hunt and team-mates after their victory at Nürburgrin­g
Will Hunt and team-mates after their victory at Nürburgrin­g

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