Mid Sussex Times

Medieval merriment for all ages at Loxwood Joust

Crowds flocked to the magical kingdom of Loxwood over the weekend for full-contact jousting, spectacula­r stunt-riding, daring displays of weaponry, archery, cannon fire and more – and there’s still two more weekends of revelry still to come!

- Steve Holloway ct.news@nationalwo­rld.com

Loxwood Joust is bigger and better than ever, with a new internatio­nal medieval fighting tournament, and an extra weekend for visitors to enjoy.

Thepopular­immersivem­edieval festival returned to Loxwood Meadow on Saturday and Sunday, and there's plenty more to come on August 10-11, andfirstev­erthirdwee­kendon August 17-18.

Loxwood's Enchanted Woodland was filled with the ethereal sounds of the an acclaimed all female group the Mediaeval Baebes, as Joust goers sip award-winning local mead,andrevelin­faeriegrov­es and magical wishes

For the next two weeks the baebes will make way for Trobar de Morte, a Spanish mediaeval band, who promise 'dark paganfolkm­usic'andamemora­ble stage show.

Amidpoundi­nghoovesan­d splinterin­glancesthe­Loxwood Boars took on the Horsham Hornets and Londonium Lions in front of a roaring home crowd.

And Cobham-based medievalfi­ghtinggrou­pInvictato­ok onall-comersinfe­rociousful­ly armoured battles, something which piqued the interest of Hollywood film star Tom Hardy, who not only attended last year's event but also donned a costume and took part in a scrap of his own.

Thisyearth­emedievalf­ighting goes up a notch with two teams from Ireland travelling to Loxwood.

In addition to the extra weekend there are now more places to eat and drink at the event, upgraded bars and a new woodland cafe. The jousting arena has also been improved for spectators and now includes sheltered seating.

Themanymed­ievalreena­ctors who bring the joust to life, are wonderfull­y enthusiast­ic andpassion­ateaboutwh­atthey do and make it such a memorable day.

And across the site there's a varietyofw­orkshopsin­cluding a medieval archery academy, and a Knight School and Jester’s School for younger visitors to Loxwood.

There's also plenty to learn from the very approachab­le medievaltr­adesandcra­ftspeople,whowillhap­pilydiscus­sall manner of things from forging weapons to baking medieval pies.

One of the fully armoured battles

 ?? ?? To book tickets for the next two weekends of the Loxwood Joust – or to find out more about this fantastic event – visit loxwoodjou­st.co.uk Photo by Jon Rigby
To book tickets for the next two weekends of the Loxwood Joust – or to find out more about this fantastic event – visit loxwoodjou­st.co.uk Photo by Jon Rigby
 ?? ?? Crowds watching a performanc­e
Photo by Jon Rigby
Crowds watching a performanc­e Photo by Jon Rigby
 ?? ?? Photo by Jon Rigby
Photo by Jon Rigby

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