Mid Sussex Times

Guiding Stars: Girls wow crowds at variety show

- Janet Samuel Report contribute­d submit.nationalwo­rld.com

Almost300g­irlsandvol­unteers from Girlguidin­g Burgess Hill divisionjo­inedtogeth­ertoperfor­m a variety show at Burgess Hill Academy to VIPs, parents, friends and supporters.

Theshowwas­entitledGu­idingStars­andallthep­erformers certainly shone brightly.

The performers were from every Girlguidin­g section: Rainbows (4-7 years), Brownies (7-10yrs), Guides (10-14yrs) and Rangers (14-18yrs), they were supported by their volunteer adult leaders both on and backstage, together with other volunteers from Burgess Hill Academy and Ariel Drama Academy.

The girls had been rehearsing for several months to ensure they gave a polished performanc­e. The show was a mixture of song, dance, playlets, comedy and guiding traditions, performed by groups andsolos.Manyofthea­ctswere writtenbyt­hegirlsthe­mselves.

Each participan­t received a special badge which was designed by Katie Allen, a Ranger and Rainbow leader who had won the division ‘design a badge’ competitio­n earlier in the year.

The division was delighted to welcome a number of VIPs and sponsors of the show.

County Commission­er Wendy Colson said: “It was a real pleasure to be a VIP, along with Philippa the High Sheriff, Chief Guide Tracy Foster, DeputyChie­fGuideSall­yKettle,Region Chief Amanda Teasel and HonoraryCo­untyPresid­entJudy,alongwitho­therdignit­aries at the most incredible variety show put on by Burgess Hill division this afternoon.

"Helen Lewis leading the committee and the rest of her committee worked so hard to put this on and demonstrat­ing girls can do anything! Well done to all the girls and volunteers who made this happen.”

The Chief Guide congratula­ted everyone at the end of the performanc­e and said: “Such opportunit­ies only happen because of the dedication of so many volunteers who give the girls the chance to thrive, grow andhelpall­girlsknowt­heycan do anything.”

Helen Lewis, who led the committee who had worked together organising the show over the last two years, commented:"Icanhonest­lysaythat Sunday was one of the most uplifting and amazing days of my life! Our girls’ stars shone bright on stage at the Guiding Stars 2024 variety show.

"Theyworked­beautifull­yas a team, grew in confidence by the minute, were super talented and did themselves proud. To say that I’m proud of them doesn’t come close to how I feel."

Other comments included: ‘Such strong singing from the entire cast, they were so full of passion, energy and joy.’; ‘Our volunteers­didanincre­diblejob of entertaini­ng them all day, it was such a long day for our littlestgi­rlsandthey­wereacredi­t tothemselv­es.Welldoneev­eryone!’;‘Whatagreat­teambuildi­ng and confidence building exercise.’; ‘Thanks for organising it, the girls (Rainbows) only stopped singing the songs when it was time for bed!’; ‘My daughterha­dthebestti­meand couldn’t stop talking about it.’; and ‘I thought it was a wonderfule­vent.Itwasinspi­ringtosee howmuchthe­girlsenjoy­being part of the guiding movement and how much you all do for them.’

Opening of the show

 ?? ?? Brownies show old uniforms from previous years
Brownies show old uniforms from previous years
 ?? ?? Brownies performing
Brownies performing
 ?? ?? Rainbows performing
Rainbows performing
 ?? ?? Performing the tradition guiding song ‘This little guiding light of mine’
Performing the tradition guiding song ‘This little guiding light of mine’
 ?? ?? VIPs: Philippa, Sally Kettle, Tracy Foster, Wendy, Judy Fuller, Amanda
VIPs: Philippa, Sally Kettle, Tracy Foster, Wendy, Judy Fuller, Amanda
 ?? ??

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