Mid Sussex Times

Residents show off beautiful gardens in hospice fundraiser

- Lawrence Smith lawrence.smith@jpress.co.uk

Burgess Hill in Bloom has announced that people of all ages came from ‘far and wide’ to see seven lovely gardens around the town.

They said the Garden Safari 2024, the 24th annual event, helped raise £500 for St Peter and St James Hospice.

The event, which was organised by Burgess Hill in Bloom, took place on July 21, from 1pm to 5.30pm.

Cathy Barnett, Burgess Hill in Bloom chairman, said: “Some visitors came by car, while others, more energetic, cycled and walked round our town.

“Two gardens were open in Western Road, one to show off new planting and invite visitors to take tea and cake while buying plants, etc. from the ladies of Burgess Hill Flower Club, who set up a stall fronting the house.

"Across the road was an award winning garden with unusualpla­ntsandacha­nceto win prizes by playing games.

“Old favourite, the hidden ‘Fairy Garden’ in St Peter’s Road, was again available for childrenol­doryoungto­re-discover their childhood.

“In Station Road, a wilder garden this year for butterflie­s, birds and bees, with statuary and pots, together with sitting areas, was a restful spot to take a break.

"Gardens in a row were open across the road, to give visitors ideas on small front gardens and how to make the best of small spaces.

"Re-developed, ex-railway ground garden in Chanctonbu­ry Road, showed what can be done on reclaimed areas of land.

"Newly open this year, old gardeninBr­ookway,behindSt Andrews Church, showed off colour and amusing statues in a larger garden.”

Cathysaidv­isitorstol­dBurgess Hill in Bloom that they should continue these events and organise a 25th Garden Safari.

She said they also added that Burgess Hill is a lovely place to live in.

The safari raised the charity funds from admissions, raffle, teas, plant sales and donations for the hospice.

Cathy said: “Thanks to all the people of Burgess Hill who made it such a success, with all their efforts.”

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 ?? ?? Burgess Hill in Bloom’s Garden Safari 2024 took place on Sunday, July 21
Burgess Hill in Bloom’s Garden Safari 2024 took place on Sunday, July 21
 ?? ?? Burgess Hill in Bloom’s Garden Safari 2024 took place on Sunday, July 21
Burgess Hill in Bloom’s Garden Safari 2024 took place on Sunday, July 21

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