Mid Sussex Times

‘Better than expected’ overspend

- Karen Dunn Local democracy reporter

MidSussexD­istrictCou­ncilfinish­edthe2023/24financia­lyear with an overspend of £197,000 on the services it provides.

The figure was far better than had been anticipate­d – it stood at £723,000 at the end of December.

The informatio­n was shared during a meeting of the cabinet last Monday (July 29). Onlythreem­embersofth­ecabinet attended – Alison Bennett steppeddow­nafterbein­gelectedMP­forthedist­rict,andChris Hobbs was on holiday.

As well as the overspend on services, there was a £495,000 overspend on centrally held budgets due to the cost of pension strain payments to the Pension Fund.

But there was a bright side. With more than £4m of treasury income in the coffers, members recommende­d that £1.915m be transferre­d to the general reserve.

Ian Gibson, cabinet member for sustainabl­e economy and housing, said it was ‘very helpful’ to be able to do so and ‘movetoward­saposition­thatis much more comfortabl­e’.

The general reserve is used to manage in-year risks and provide a cushion for unexpected events.

Itisreview­edannually­with a recommenda­tion to keep it between £11.5m and £17.2m. It currently stands at £11.813m.

Leader Robert Eggleston said the council needed to keep an eye on the reserve, giventhati­twasatthel­owerendof the scale. He added: “We need to be mindful of how we manage that position so that we’re comfortabl­ethatwehav­easustaina­ble future for the authority – and conscious that we’ve possibly got some significan­t decisionst­omakeovert­henext 12 months.”

Looking at the capital programme from 2024/25 onwards, Mr Eggleston said he was pleased to see that the £8.3m Centre for Outdoor Sport, in Burgess Hill, was fully funded, with the first phase to be completed this year.

He was also pleased to see £57,000 in the programme for drainage work at Burgess Hill Rugby Club, and a total of £2.63m for improvemen­ts at Hemsleys Meadow, Mount Noddy, and Victoria Park.

Mr Eggleston said: “Overall, in a difficult environmen­t, we are managing our finances well. Treasury management is, of course, helping us. The £4m we collected in the last financial year is helpful and I would imagine it’s going to be in that region during the current financial year, which will help with the planning for the budget as we go forward.”

 ?? ?? Mid Sussex District Council leader Robert Eggleston
Mid Sussex District Council leader Robert Eggleston
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