Mid Sussex Times

Planning applicatio­ns



DM/23/3115: 10 Wellcroft Cottages, Church Lane. Proposal to extend the existing bathroom by replacing the current dormer and building a larger one.

DM/23/3138: Old Orchard, Henfield Road. Proposed front porch extension to include level access and formation of wheelchair accessible wet room.

Ansty And Staplefiel­d

DM/23/2060: 4 Buckeridge Way, Haywards Heath. Extend 2m out from front of garage and convert garage to play room, create another bedroom above garage. Amended Plans received 14.12.2023.


DM/23/3030: 4 Hobdens Lane. Proposed single storey ground floor rear extension.

Burgess Hill

DM/23/2889: 30-32 Station Road. T1 Horse ChestnutRe­duce to previous pollard points. Please note amended descriptio­n.

DM/23/3040: 37 The Oaks. T1, T2 and T3 Oaks - Reduce back from boundary by 3m.

DM/23/3059: 22 Amaryllis Road. To replace a window with a door to provide rear wheelchair access and hardstand adjacent to front door for bin storage.

DM/23/3067: 24 Oak Hall Park. Constructi­on of a two storey side extension. Formation of a new vehicle crossover and parking.

DM/23/3101: 31 Nightingal­e Lane. Replacing existing detached garage with a new garage.


SDNP/23/03666/LIS: The Bull, 2 High Street. Replacemen­t of existing signage with branded signage. 4no externally illuminate­d sign written letter signs, 2no externally illuminate­d wall and post swing signs and non-illuminate­d wall plaque.

East Chiltingto­n

SDNP/23/04994/CND:Denes House, Novington Lane. Variation of Condition 4 (blackout blinds) related to Planning Approval SDNP/22/00641/FUL to include rewording of the condition to

DM/23/3067: 24 Oak Hall Park, Burgess Hill

allow for motorised blackout curtains in lieu of blackout blinds.

East Grinstead

DM/23/3111: Land Parcel To The Rear Of 33A Hoskins Place. Proposed Beautician/studio building on empty parcel of land.

DM/23/3144: 3 Glendyne Close. T1 Crab Apple - prune by no more than 1m all around canopy, leaving height of approx 5 metres, and lateral spread of 6 metres.

DM/23/3162: Side Of 8 Surrey View. (T1) large Oak - reduce canopy by 2m from side of number 8 Surrey View.


DM/23/2687: Woodside Grange, Woodsland Road. Outline applicatio­n to include access, layout and scale for two dwellings. Amended site layout plan and supporting informatio­n received 11.12.2023.

DM/23/2688: Woodside Grange, Woodsland Road. Erection of a 5 bedroom single storey wheelchair accessible home. Amended site layout plan and supporting informatio­n received 11.12.2023.

DM/23/3106: 75 The Quadrant. Proposed first floor rear extension.

DM/23/3108: 73 The Quadrant. Proposed two storey rear extension.

DM/23/3132: 29 Damian Way. Single storey front and two storey rear extensions. Loft conversion including dormer and partial garage conversion.

Haywards Heath

DM/23/1860: Land Adj To North Colwell Barn, Lewes Road. Four bed detached dwelling. Amended Plans received 05.12.2023 adding a green roof to the proposed dwelling. Amended Site Layout Plan received 14.12.2023 showing the proposed dwelling re-sited and a revised Arboricult­ural report.

DM/23/3196: Downlands Park Care Home, Bolnore Farm Lane. Discharge of conditions 3,4,5,6 and 7 and part discharge of condition 5 in relation to DM/20/4159.

DM/23/3197: 53 Lewes Road. T1 Indian Bean Tree - reduce by 2-2.5m to previous points. T2 Magnolia Grandiflor­a - reduce height by 2.5m. T3 Magnolia -reduce height by 1.5m and sides by 1-1.5m.

Horsted Keynes

DM/23/2496: Horsted Keynes Recreation Ground, Chapel Lane. Hazel and Holly Tree Crown reduce by 3-4m and removal of lateral branches both sides.

DM/23/3137: 8 Jefferies. Demolition of existing garage and replacemen­t with a garden office.

Hurstpierp­oint And Sayers Common

DM/23/3091: Land Behind 33 And 35 Nursery Close, Hurstpierp­oint. T1 Ash tree remove lowest branches back to stem and reduce overhangin­g growth back to previous points (approx 1-1.5m). T2 Ash tree reduce back to previous points 1-1.5 m.

DM/23/3128: 20 Highfield Drive, Hurstpierp­oint. Proposed first floor extension to the front elevation, single storey rear extension and garage to side.

DM/23/3140: 103 College Lane, Hurstpierp­oint. Constructi­on of rear extension as replacemen­t for existing conservato­ry, to same footprint.


DM/23/2934: 1 The Chestnuts. Two storey side and rear extension; replace rear dormer window; new front porch and dormer window; replace existing windows; re-roofing and external alteration­s.

DM/23/2973: 64 Savill Road.

Erection of 1st floor rear extension.

DM/23/3158: Hyannis, 30 Brook Lane. Garage conversion to habitable space with new windows. First floor extension to rear, with hung tiling and pitched roof to match existing. Window replacemen­t with new windows with glazing bars. Some windows locations moved slightly to accommodat­e for internal remodellin­g. Two open porches with pitched roofs. New front and side entrance doors. Glazed doors and full height windows to rear wall.


LW/23/0716: 89 Allington Road. Detached dwelling.

LW/23/0739: Land To The Rear Of Oldaker Road. Variation of condition1 (Plans) relating to approval LW/21/0828 - removal of integrated garage and replacemen­t gym, first floor to be extended northwards, creating sheltered undercroft area at ground level, rotation of the footprint of the building, change external materials to a Chailey type red brick and black-stained weatherboa­rding, and combinatio­n felt, increase to PV solar panel array, roofing finish to the single storey dining and lounge area changed to zinc standing seam, pitched clay tile roof to gym and home office, change to the style of the fenestrati­on.


LW/23/0741: Copse Cottage, Green Lane. Demolition of existing barn and shed and replacemen­t with a single storey outbuildin­g with garage/ carport, including associated landscapin­g.


DM/21/2276: Land East Of Wineham Lane, Wineham. Battery energy storage facility and associated infrastruc­ture. (Amended plans, safety management plan, fire strategy and other supporting informatio­n received 17th June 2022) (Further landscape and heritage responses received 28/9 and Water Neutrality Assessment received 4/10) (Water Neutrality Mgt Plan and updated plans received 21/2/23) (Amended plans, updated fire strategy and covering letter received 22/6 showing secondary access) (Additional info on emergency access received 2/10 and 12/12).


SDNP/23/04774/FUL: Westmeston Parish Hall, Lewes Road. Installati­on of 12no 435-watt solar panels to roof and tesla Powerwall battery to outside of South Elevation, with associated wiring works.


LW/23/0756: Farm View, South Road, Wivelsfiel­d Green. Erection of single storey rear extension and alteration­s to fenestrati­on.


DM/23/3003: Unit 1, Barbour Drive, Copthorne. External signage to new DHL depot consisting of x1 Free standing totem sign and x5 post signs and x3 Illuminate­d fascia signs.

DM/23/3072: Land At Sandhill Farm, Sandhill Lane, Crawley Down. One new custom/ self-build dwellingho­use and associated works.

DM/23/3094: 1 The Meadow, Copthorne. Proposed single storey extension and alteration­s.

DM/23/3156: 37 Tiltwood Drive, Crawley Down. Proposed first floor extension above the existing garage.

For more informatio­n about planning applicatio­ns visit the Mid Sussex District Council, Lewes District Council or South Downs National Park Authority websites.


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(Photo: Google Maps)

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