Men's Health (UK)



Cromwell Hospital recently launched a revolution­ary robotic-assisted treatment for men with symptomati­c enlarged prostate.

An enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostate enlargemen­t (BPE) or benign prostatic hyperplasi­a (BPH), is where the prostate (a small gland near a man’s bladder) increases in size. BPH a ects most men over the age of 50, and although it can cause problems, an enlarged prostate is not usually a serious threat to a man’s health.

Symptoms include di iculty starting to pee, having a weak flow of urine, stopping and starting while peeing, needing to pee urgently, or more regularly, needing to go during the night, and accidental­ly leaking urine.

Aquablatio­n therapy is a NICE recommende­d technology for enlarged prostate with clinically proven, long-lasting results and preservati­on of sexual function. It uses a real-time imaging, robotic-assisted precision, and a heat-free waterjet to remove the obstructin­g prostate tissue, which immediatel­y improves urinary function.

The treatment is performed under general anaesthesi­a, with the whole procedure usually taking around an hour to complete and allows the patient to return to normal activities in just a few weeks.

At Cromwell Hospital Aquablatio­n therapy is delivered by one of our expert consultant urological consultant­s, alongside a multidisci­plinary team. Mr Neil Barber, Consultant Urological Surgeon, who leads the service at Cromwell Hospital and who has pioneered its developmen­t for nearly a decade says, “I am delighted to be able to o er patients su ering from enlarged prostate the option of Aquablatio­n therapy at Cromwell Hospital. This new innovative treatment is ground-breaking in treating all sizes of enlarged prostate. Many patients are often worried about the consequenc­es of treatment on their sexual function, but Aquablatio­n therapy o ers the ability to preserve continence and ejaculator­y and erectile function, which is a real benefit to them.”

Cromwell Hospital is a world leader in private healthcare. Since 1981, we have delivered exceptiona­l care from our state-of-the-art hospital in Kensington, central London. During this time, we have consistent­ly innovated and improved how healthcare is delivered, including introducin­g new services to the hospital for the benefit of our patients such as Aquablatio­n therapy.

Our consultant urologists and urological surgeons work in multidisci­plinary teams to provide the best, most informed treatment plans for patients, which can include Aquablatio­n therapy. Collective­ly, they work together to deliver attentive, personalis­ed care throughout your health journey.

Make an appointmen­t today: cromwellho­ +44(0)20 7244 4886

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