Men's Health (UK)



I started playing rugby when I was three, just running around, and I remember being enthusiast­ic about it. My dad was happy to take me to games. People would come up to him and it was weird, but I was also aware that he and my mum were involved in the sports world.

Over the years, we’ve had a few arguments about training, whether I was doing things right. After each session, we’d either come in smiling or shouting at each other. In my second-last year of school, I had a club game and I wasn’t playing amazingly. Dad was shouting from the sidelines. I snapped and started shouting back at him from the pitch, telling him to shut up. That’s the most notable falling out I can remember.

We don’t train together because he won’t do it. When I was younger we would practise hundreds of high balls, past midnight every night. But by the time I was about 12 I was at the same physical capacity as he is now. His knees have gone and his body’s starting to break down. Seriously though, my dad’s career has been hugely influentia­l on what I want to achieve. I look at how many internatio­nal caps he has and that’s an ambition of mine, to overtake him, even though that’s a bit further away for me at the moment.

My dad’s had some health issues, but from an outside perspectiv­e he didn’t seem to let it affect him. Nothing slowed him down. He continued to be the father he was before. I wouldn’t say I ever saw him as superhuman. I always thought he was successful, but when you get taller than your dad, that sort of thing is tough. I just look at him as someone who’s done exactly what I want to do on the pitch. It’s inspiring. There’s no pressure to follow in his footsteps, it just feels like an opportunit­y to get better. If I have half the career he’s had, I’ll be happy with myself.

Age: 19 Height: 6ft 4in Weight: 115kg Bench PB: 150kg Deadlift PB:


Max speed: 9.6m per second Calories per day: 4,000 in season Litres of

water consumed per day: 3-4

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