Men's Health (UK)

Fit At Any Age


What does age mean to you? Is it simply a number to signify your laps around the sun – something you give little considerat­ion as it has no real bearing on how you feel, physically or mentally? Or are the years ticking by at what feels like lightning speed, with each birthday marked by a sense of foreboding? This month’s cover star is most certainly in the former camp. At 57, Gordon Ramsay is in the shape of his life. A fitness devotee, he trains daily, keeping himself accountabl­e by competing in at least two endurance events a year. ‘An Ironman, a marathon, just something,’ he tells Men’s Health.

He’s also about to launch his most ambitious business project yet: a £25m multiple restaurant experience – and all with a five-year-old and a baby at home (plus four grown-up children who he insists make their own way in life).

And then there’s the small matter of him recently surviving a life-threatenin­g bike accident, from which he’s still visibly recovering. The man is a machine. And the ultimate poster boy for our Fit At Any Age issue.

Find out what keeps him inspired on p28.

In this issue, you’ll also find the stories of other remarkable men defying the limitation­s of age, including skateboard­ing legend Tony Hawk (p76), stacked septuagena­rian Ernie Hudson (p64) and superstar DJ Steve Aoki (p130).

But is there really any more to anti-ageing than eating well, exercising more and stressing less? On p94, we investigat­e the latest longevity tech to identify the hacks that work – plus those that don’t.

Until next month,

Claire Sanderson, Editor-in-Chief

Instagram @clairesand­erson

 ?? ?? Chef and entreprene­ur Gordon Ramsay is as passionate about fitness as he is food – and on page 28, he shares his recipe for success
Chef and entreprene­ur Gordon Ramsay is as passionate about fitness as he is food – and on page 28, he shares his recipe for success

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