Men's Health (UK)

The next generation


A remedy for male-pattern baldness has been one of the holy grails of medical research. As science gets closer to the root of the issue, new discoverie­s are making the future look hirsute.

Here’s what’s landed

Non-invasive clinical treatments

While transplant­s have permanent results, it can be a long and difficult process. Non-invasive treatments that have little to no downtime are becoming increasing­ly popular. Ouronyx, in London, offers two advanced treatments for hair

loss, which you could undergo during your lunch break.

Autologous Micrograft­ing


This is the newer, more advanced alternativ­e to plasma-rich platelet injections, but instead of using blood, three small grafts of healthy hair

follicles are taken to create a suspension solution of follicle stem cells, which is injected into the scalp. Although it doesn’t

grow new follicles, the formula is more effective at halting hair fall and rousing

sleepy follicles to grow a thicker mane, with an 80% success rate in increasing

hair density. Results can last up to 18 months, when top-up treatments can be administer­ed. £2,850 per treatment,

Tricopat hair restoratio­n

An advanced delivery

system to improve the efficacy of growth factor serum. It uses a dermabrasi­on tool with 0.25mm needles to create micro wounds on the scalp, aiding penetratio­n of the serum to increase oxygen and nutrient supplies. The treated scalp is then exposed to an LED light, and pressure wave and electro stimulatio­n, which further increases blood circulatio­n

and extends the growth ‘anagen’ phase of your hair. A 2021 study* of 30 men, found a 14.61% increase in the total number of hairs per sq cm and a 13.62% increase in hair diameter after six months. A course involves four 20-minute sessions, every three weeks. £1,350,

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