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Funding fear for Big Read future

- By Sam Leech saml@baylismedi­ @SamL_BM

A festival in Maidenhead encouragin­g young people to read has appealed for help over fears it may not take place next year.

Maidenhead’s Big Read has helped thousands of children and their families open the pages to the joy of reading in its six year history.

But organisers worry 2024 could be its last, as the festival faces significan­t problems with funding and volunteers.

Festival founder Stephan Stephan said: “If this is our last year, we’ve finished on a high –it was a big success.

“Reaching five-and-a-half thousand children, it’s a great achievemen­t to get to that level.

“But if we can’t get the adequate funding – the resources to organise it.

“It needs sufficient energy to carry it on and to help plan for the future.

“I’ve tried hard but I haven’t been successful.”

The festival features talks with inspiring authors and interactiv­e story telling experience­s for children.

However, all this comes at a cost – around £15,000 each year.

To fund the event, Maidenhead’s Big Read relies on money from charitable sources which have been gradually declining.

The National Lottery Community Fund, which Stephan said provided £10,000 in 2020, no longer helps the festival.

A National Lottery spokespers­on said: “Our grants are highly sought after with demand exceeding the money available.

“Unfortunat­ely, this means we have to make difficult decisions – such as this one – as we are simply unable to fund all the worthwhile projects we receive applicatio­ns from.”

Stephan said the council had also supported the Big Read in previous years, giving donations of up to £4,000.

However, this year RBWM also couldn’t provide help – placing further stress on the festival’s resources.

A council spokespers­on said: “Due to the financial position of the council, the RBWM grant allocation has been paused.

“The council has shifted its focus from direct grant funding to fostering a proactive approach with organisati­ons.”

On top of financial pressures, several of the festival’s committee members are also looking to step back from their roles.

Nearly half its members were unable to help this year.

The committee plays a key role in organising the Big Read – getting inspiring authors signed up, as well as speaking with schools and helping to source funding.

Stephan said he hoped there would be people in the community who had seen the difference Maidenhead’s Big Read makes and would want to help it continue.

“It’s fun and its very fulfilling – seeing the outcome of your work through the children’s excitement and the parents’ excitement in seeing the children excited,” said Stephan.

“It’s a good sense of achievemen­t to see all that – people will feel that sense of achievemen­t.”

To find out more about opportunit­ies at Maidenhead’s Big Read, and to find out how you could help, email Stephan at hello@ Maidenhead­ or call him on 07475 771471.

 ?? ?? Maidenhead’s Big Read festival last year. Ref:135291-15
Maidenhead’s Big Read festival last year. Ref:135291-15

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