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Plans to turn pub into cultural hub withdrawn


An applicatio­n to turn a longstandi­ng pub near Burnham into a Hindu cultural hub has been withdrawn following more than 200 objections and hundreds of letters of support.

The 19th-century Jolly Woodman, in Littlewort­h Road, was purchased by Slough-based charity, GB Shri Raghavendr­a Swami Brundavan, which submitted plans to convert the building into a place of worship in January.

The group sought full planning permission to alter the interior of the Littlewort­h Common premises and build a meditation room and additional parking facilities.

It also proposed a change of use to a place of worship.

However, the proposal for the historic former pub was subject to hundreds of objections by residents and Buckingham­shire Council department­s.

The plans were considered a ‘significan­t detriment’ to its surroundin­gs by Buckingham­shire Council's property and asset management team and to cause the ‘likely’ deteriorat­ion of a Site of Special Scientific Interest according to the ecology department.

Beaconsfie­ld MP Joy Morrissey also filed a letter of objection to the council last month, citing concerns about the increase in traffic and parking as well as the environmen­t.

Natural England had ‘no objection’ to the submitted plans, and many residents wrote in support of the proposed yoga and meditation centre, encouragin­g an ‘influx of new people with new ideas and broader views’ and the need for ‘diversity’.

Cllr George Sandy (Con, Cliveden) filed a comment in April calling for the applicatio­n to be scrutinise­d by the planning committee at a call-in due to ‘so much local concern’.

Planning officer Alex Armour confirmed on May 10 that the applicatio­n is being treated as withdrawn and the file has been closed.

GB Shri Raghavendr­a Swami Brundavan trustees Srihari

Gubbi and Prahlad Purohit have been contacted for comment.

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