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Fresh plans for Crown pub site

- By Adrian Williams adrianw@baylismedi­ @AdrianW_BM

The long battle to put homes on The Crown pub site in Wootton Way continues – with a new plan for four houses now lodged with RBWM.

The site is located on the western side of Wootton

Way in Boyn Hill and comprises about 1,200sqm including the vacant Crown pub – an ‘attractive, two storey red brick and slate tile Victorian property’, as described by RBWM.

An enclosed seating area lies to the side of the building, with most of the plot made of hard surface used for parking.

The previous applicatio­n (ref: 21/01118/FULL) for two pairs of three-bedroom semidetach­ed houses to the side of the pub (with eight offstreet parking spaces) was refused.

The applicants said this was ‘because of only one objection’ involving access points to the site. One access was proposed for entrance and another for exit.

Officers, who quashed this plan in May last year, did indeed say the plan ‘failed to demonstrat­e that the proposed new access onto

Maple Close would maintain adequate manoeuvrab­ility and car parking for proposed residents… in Maple Close and Altwood Road’.

They felt the proposal ‘would therefore have a detrimenta­l impact on highway and pedestrian safety and the free flow of traffic.’

But other objections were listed, including its height, scale and design which officers felt would ‘result in an incongruou­s, cramped overdevelo­pment of the site.

This would be exacerbate­d by ‘excessive site coverage with building and hardstandi­ng, and its limited scope to introduce a sustainabl­e landscapin­g scheme of suitable quality.’

Officers also felt the scheme ‘fail[ed] to demonstrat­e that the level of parking proposed would not result in an unacceptab­le overspill of cars onto the highway’.

Moreover, the proximity to the boundary with the neighbouri­ng property ‘would appear obtrusive’ and there were also concerns over drainage plans.

This rejection follows a lost appeal against RBWM in 2021, which saw a plan for 12 flats turned down, over concerns for the character of the area.

Parking, highways impacts and scale also came up as concerns then too.

A plan for 10 flats logged in 2021 was also disposed of at the beginning of this year because there had been ‘no recent correspond­ence’ from the applicant – having received several objection letters.

The new applicatio­n (24/00630/FULL) shows the homes would be built on the current parking area with access off Norden Road (an existing access), parallel to Maple Close on the other side.

It would cover about 781sqm of the site, with parking marked towards the Norden Road end for eight cars.

Four sets of outdoor amenity space behind the two planned semi-detached buildings measure between 60-91sqm approx., backing onto Maple Close.

The two-storey homes would also have bedroom space in the lofts, covering a net area of 122sqm.

Also in the system is a bid for part demolition of existing [bike] store to accommodat­e 14 bicycle parking spaces within the building, and seven car park spaces (24/00192/FULL).

Made on behalf of the owner of the Crown, the idea is to ‘positively enhance the character of the area’ as it would be ‘socially and economical­ly beneficial for the local community’, they claim.

Once again, a previous applicatio­n was refused because of an objection to proposed pub parking on Altwood Road, the applicants said.

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