Maidenhead Advertiser

Boundaries redrawn and race on to be MP

- By Melissa Paulden melissap@baylismedi­ @MelissaP_BM

MP constituen­cy boundary changes at the next General Election will see a change of representa­tion in the northern parishes of Wokingham Borough.

Areas traditiona­lly served by the Maidenhead seat will be represente­d by an expanded Wokingham seat.

Villagers in Twyford, Charvil, Wargrave, Ruscombe and Remenham, used to being served for 27 years by Theresa May MP, will have a new MP in a different constituen­cy.

Liberal Democrat candidate Clive Jones has been campaignin­g heavily to win the votes of people who have traditiona­lly gone with Theresa May.

Her long-serving Conservati­ve colleague, John Redwood, the MP for Wokingham for over three decades, is also ready to embrace the new parishes and Labour have yet to declare a candidate.

As former leader of the Wokingham Borough Council, Clive Jones said that his years in business, public service and fundraisin­g have prepared him for an MP position.

“I’ve had 40 years working outside of parliament so I think that makes me very different to an awful lot of people who put themselves forward to be an MP,” he said.

“Coming to politics after a successful career and after bringing up two children with my wife I think is going to make me a very different MP. I also worked with two trade charities and we raised a lot of money for children’s charities. It's something that I enjoy doing and it’s quite an important thing for me to do.”

The Wokingham resident has been stepping out into the new constituen­cy parishes to introduce himself and his policies.

“We are knocking on doors nearly every day and the reaction that we are getting is very positive because people are saying ‘it’s time for a change’ of person in Wokingham and I guess that’s normal.”

Mr Redwood told the Advertiser that he welcomes ‘the reuniting of the northern parishes with Wokingham town and Winnersh’.

“Dealing with just one unitary council rather than two should simplify the local part of the MP role,” he said.

Mr Redwood said he is also proud to be the only MP to provide daily commentary on his views and actions 364 days of the year via his website and he added: “I live in the borough, and make weekly visits to places in the constituen­cy to keep in touch with local problems and views. I do not just write up the issue but am also taking action to get the view across and to seek improved government action.”

He added: “I did represent the northern villages of

Wokingham Borough prior to the creation of the separate Maidenhead constituen­cy, so I know Wargrave, Remenham, Hurst, Twyford, and Charvil well as a former MP.”

Before announcing she was stepping down as an MP, Theresa May told the Advertiser that she has ‘greatly enjoyed’ representi­ng the areas that will now fall under the new Wokingham seat.

“Each of the villages has its own character but I have really enjoyed participat­ing in

community events over the years like switching on the Twyford Christmas tree lights, being President of Wargrave Women and Girls Football Club, visiting Hurst bowling Club or Charvil Summer Fair.

“A new constituen­cy means new people to meet and new issues to get involved with.”

She added: “My advice for all MPs is to embed yourself in your constituen­cy – you are only in Westminste­r because your constituen­ts put you there.”

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 ?? ?? John Redwood (Conservati­ve) and Clive Jones (Lib Dem).
John Redwood (Conservati­ve) and Clive Jones (Lib Dem).

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