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Terry Adlam Reflection­s on a busy 2023


As 2023 runs out of puff and hands the baton over to a raring to go 2024, let’s look back over the past 12 months of my ramblings that the ‘Tiser’ has afforded me.

Starting back in January, when I likened life to a tangled set of Christmas lights, and how our lives can seem a bit tangled at the end of the year, prompting the need of finding ways to start the new year less jumbled.

So, I had wrapped up the lights carefully, in hopes that when I unfurled them recently, life would be easier. Nope! As soon as they were free of their elastic bands they twisted and entwined themselves with devilish abandonmen­t. Guess that’s life telling me to get knotted!

Next up was the observatio­n of the proliferat­ion of coffee shops and bars compared to when I was a puppy, back in the days when the choice was Turkish or instant.

With spring blooming all over, I got all techie when I extolled my amazement and concerns over the past 64 years that I have been pottering around this planet, of the remarkable technologi­cal discoverie­s and developmen­ts.

I bandied about buzz words such as Quantum Computing’, ‘6G’, ‘Immersive Digital Technology’, and ‘Ready Sliced Carrots.’

I pondered where this technology would be in a further 64 years, and if an A.I. ‘Terry’ will still be writing this column.

July got me all excited with the return of Indiana Jones, in his adventures with ‘The Dial of Destiny’, knowing that with a healthy lifestyle with lots of exercise, a good diet and plenty of CGI, I too could look as good as Harrison Ford, when I’m 80!

The sad passing of Michael Parkinson in August, inspired me to invite the likes of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Marilyn Monroe and Eric Morecambe onto my own fantasy chat show, and caused a lot of discussion­s with friends and family on their choices, which ranged from Elvis to Paddington Bear.

Recently I questioned how garden superstore­s were now pre-empting the festive season of displays of tinsel and sparkle, with an abundance of autumnal decoration­s.

I asked, since when has autumn become a seasonal event on par with Easter and Christmas, and where will it end, or are we going to be displaying flashing illuminate­d pancakes in our gardens and windows next Shrove


All of which brings me up to date with this, my final reflective column of 2023. These are always a pleasure and never a chore, and I’m looking forward to penning more eclectic witterings in 2024, and if you have any subjects you would like me to comment on, do please, let me know,

So, to all my loyal readers, both of you, have a ‘Happy New Year!’

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