Maidenhead Advertiser

Parish concerns remain the same

Bray: Fundamenta­l objections to plans haven’t changed

- By Adrian Williams adrianw@baylismedi­ @AdrianW_BM

Bray Parish Council has once again spoken out strongly against an applicatio­n for Holyport Studios – questionin­g the point of updated plans and saying they could see no changes.

Controvers­ial proposals to build the new film and TV studio on Gays Lane were officially submitted in early January 2023 but have been in motion for longer, with consultati­ons taking place in October 2022.

At a Bray Parish Council (BPC) extraordin­ary meeting in January, residents and councillor­s spoke about their fears of ‘immense’ traffic in an area ‘notorious’ for accidents.

There was an ‘avalanche’ of objections from the public, councillor­s said.

Planning applicatio­ns submitted to the Royal Borough are analysed by the parish council for the area, who then give their recommenda­tions. When an applicant makes amendments, it goes back under the scrutiny of the parish council.

This Holyport Studios scheme went to BPC once again for considerat­ion at its planning meeting on December 18, for the third time.

However, councillor­s said they struggled to determine what was different about the proposals.

Amended plans – including block, location demolition plans and some regarding the proposed new roundabout, as well as supporting informatio­n on highways – were submitted on December 7.

This has led to a raft of additional objection letters – 28 more since these December documents were uploaded, out of a total of now 205.

The outline plans still involve demolishin­g farm buildings, putting in sound stages, a backlot, a virtual reality studio, workshops and studio facilities as well as warehouses and offices.

Also included are plans for a new nature park, cycling and pedestrian facilities, a new cricket pitch and pavilion, a long-stay car park, a new access roundabout and vehicle route.

BPC recommende­d refusal ‘very strongly’ again this month, saying there had been ‘no resolution’ to items raised by the parish council at its meeting at the beginning of the year.

Its fundamenta­l objection – that this scheme is proposed for the greenbelt and no ‘very special circumstan­ces’ (needed to justify building there) have been demonstrat­ed – remains the same.

It would involve ‘the destructio­n of the openness of the greenbelt by the height of 21m+ and mass of at least 60,000sqft of buildings,’ they noted in the minutes of the December 18 meeting.

“The creation of a parkland would urbanise the area, currently open farmland fields, and change of use would open the door to future developmen­t,” BPC concluded.

“There is a mention of a proposed cricket pitch on this land; there are two already in the area, one behind Holyport Memorial

Hall and one at Braywood, another one is not required.” “Near the proposed developmen­t in Moneyrow Green and in the surroundin­g area there have been multiple issues with flooding and high surface water,” BPC added.

“It is common knowledge that the current Thames Water network cannot take any more developmen­t in the area and Thames Water has no money available to facilitate a multi-millionpou­nd upgrade.”

As such, Thames Water has objected to the developmen­t, they added.

BPC was further concerned over security lighting in use for 24 hours a day.

“This will be seen for miles around and impact many residents and any wildlife left,” BPC wrote.

The parish council had multiple other concerns. Included in this was doubt over the business justificat­ion for the developmen­t, given other film studios in the area.

At the meeting, it was set out by Louvaine Kneen,

BPC chairman of planning, that she could find no difference between these Holyport Studios plans and previous ones.

Speaking to the Advertiser, Chris Graham, BPC vice-chairman, said: “As far as we were concerned, there wasn’t [a difference].

“We do not understand why it’s been put forward again because clearly the parish council is going to propose refusal on the same basis that they did last time, which is exactly what we've done.”

Greystoke Land Ltd, the developer, has been contacted for comment.

 ?? ?? The proposed site of Holyport Film Studios. Ref:134990-21
The proposed site of Holyport Film Studios. Ref:134990-21

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