Kilmarnock Standard

HCehaudrce­hr h&eDreistric­t news



The Fellowship of Kilmarnock Churches’ next event will be a Pause for Hope service in support of everyone who is affected in any way by cancer: patients and their families and carers, bereaved families, medical staff and researcher­s and charities which support people with cancer.

The service will be held at the Salvation Army at 3pm on Sunday, February 25. There will be a display area with leaflets on the services provided by relevant charities. A retiring offering will be taken for Ayrshire Cancer Support.

The world day of prayer in Kilmarnock will take place on Friday, March 1 at 2pm in St Joseph’s church. The material for this service was prepared by Palestinia­n Christians.

As we join in shared worship with Christians across the world, let us remember all who are suffering in the Holy Land today.

The fellowship can pass on news of other World Day of Prayer services in our area.

Please contact barbara.graham74@ if you have news to share.


The service on Sunday will be conducted by the Rev Dr Samuel Lamarti. Collection taken at the door.

Tea and coffee are served in the small hall after the service.

There will be a joint session and board meeting in the small hall on Monday, February 26.

The next meeting of the guild will be Tuesday, February 27 in the new hall at 2pm when Mr Blackshaw, the farmers’ chaplain, will be our speaker.

PALS young people drama group meet on Fridays in the new hall at 3.30pm. All primary school age children are welcome.

The book room will be open on the days when the new hall is in use. An honesty box is there for a small donation.

Prayer/bible study group meet on the last Tuesday of each month in the home of Shona Crosbie at 7pm.


The service on Sunday is at 10.30am and will be conducted by Simon Young. The service will be live streamed on the church YouTube channel and published on the website and Facebook page.

The warm welcome cafe will be held in the Paton Room, within the church halls on Tuesday, from 12pm to 4pm. Soup, tea, biscuits and games are available and all are welcome.

There is a service at Hallhouse on Wednesday, February 21 at 11am.

For pastoral informatio­n, please contact Kim Watt on 0788168098­2 or Donald McCorquoda­le on 07917 014021.

For all church hall bookings, contact Irene Couper on 01560 600520.

Donations for the foodbank can be given to Jean Bowes or left in the church.


The service this Sunday takes place in the Hogg Hall, hosted by very rev Dr David Lacy. Please join us for tea, coffee and a time of fellowship following the morning service.

For those unable to attend the church in person, the services will continue to be streamed live on our Facebook page and available later on our YouTube channel.

For full informatio­n, please check our Facebook page or website: www.galstonkir­k. com.


Worship on Sunday at 11am will be conducted by Rev Willie Hall. At the close of worship, you are invited to the hall for tea and coffee and a time of fellowship.

Enjoy a cuppa and a blether on a Monday from 1.30pm to 3.30pm in the church hall.

The knitting/sewing group meet in the lounge on Monday, February 26 from 2pm to 4pm.

On Wednesday February 28 the fortnightl­y service is in the large hall at 11am. The guild expresses sincere thanks to all who supported the coffee morning last week which realised the sum of £727.00.

On Wednesday, February 21 a time of prayer is in the lounge at 7pm.

Articles and notes for the March issue of the church magazine should be passed to Rae Houston by Sunday, February 25.

The thrift shop organised by the guild will be open in the small hall from Monday, February 26 to Friday, March 15.

Opening times are Monday to Friday 10am to 12pm and 2pm to 4pm. Saturday, March 2 and 9 from 10am to 4pm.

Donations would be appreciate­d and can be handed into the shop during opening times or if you require goods uplifted please contact a member of the guild or our district elder.

Donations to the Ayrshire (East) Foodbank are always welcome and can be placed in the box in the vestibule of the church.

For pastoral concerns, please contact the rev Willie Hall, locum, on 01563 525080.

For other enquiries, you can contact Elizabeth Lauchlan, session clerk, on 01563 537381 or email elizabeth.lauchlan@


Services this Sunday in the church begin at 11am, a monthly fast and testimony meeting conducted by Joshua Dewey.

It will be followed at 12.10pm by classes for Priesthood (men), relief society (women), youth and primary for the children.

All classes conclude at 1pm and ward council will be held at 1.10pm.

There will be an extra fast and testimony meeting this month on February 25 as there are no local meetings the first weekend of March because of stake conference.

A priesthood activity night will be held at the church on the evening of Thursday, February 16 at 7pm.


Church continues to be open for Sunday morning worship at 11am with tea or coffee in the hall after worship.

There is a creche and young church facilities in the side chapel.

If you have children with you, please use this room as and when you need to.

We will have an Ash Wednesday Service at 7pm on Wednesday, March 6, 13 and 20. Faith stories returns to the church cafe area for three weeks meeting at 7pm.

Friendship club meets on Thursday, February 22 at 2pm for an afternoon of music with Crossroads Community Choir.

Wednesday Walkers meet at the Kay Park at 10am at the top car park near the Burns Centre, enjoy a walk round the park and a good chat and then have coffee and tea in the church café.

If you are new to Kay Park, please feel free to approach the minister, Rev Fiona, on 01563 521762 or the session clerk, Janette Steven, on 01563 401209 for further informatio­n about the church and membership.

The church café is open on Wednesday from 10am.

Foodbank items can still be left at the back of the church in the wicker basket, these items are then taken to the Salvation Army for their foodbank, supplies are required urgently, so please give generously.

An online service for those unable to attend worship can be accessed through the church website or the church’s Facebook page.

Contact the church administra­tor Vanessa Twomey either by email or call 07394 173977 for more informatio­n.


Tonight our monthly autism cafe meets at 7.30pm downstairs in the church hall. On Thursday our renew KBC wellbeing cafe and warm welcome space is open downstairs from 10.30am to 2pm. The cafe is a quiet space where it’s okay not to be okay and a community space for sharing a variety of hobbies and activities, which are all free.

On Sunday between 10am and 10.30am, anyone is welcome to gather and pray for the service in the office at KBC. Our Sunday worship starts at 11am with our pastor David Hannah bringing God’s message.

The service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. Just before the sermon, there is an option for children to go to kids/ youth church.

Communion will take place at the end of the morning service with tea and coffee being served afterwards.

Small house groups are being held at various locations throughout the week contact for further details.


Worship on Sunday will be conducted by the minister, beginning at 11am.

There will be a beetle drive on Saturday, February 24 at 7pm in lower hall. Ticket costs are: adult £3 and children £2.

Tickets are available from Jan Lamberton, Margaret Patterson and Wendy I’Anson. There will be a raffle and donations will be greatly appreciate­d. Donations can be handed to Jan, Margaret or Wendy.

We would still appreciate some more pledges for our Auction - and thank you to those who have already done so - and have extended the closing date to Thursday, February 22. A friend or family member can also make a pledge.

Please return pledge forms to Margaret Patterson, Jan Lamberton or Derek I’Anson.

The auction catalogue will be published and available from Sunday, March 3.

Ideas for pledges that can be offered could include an outing to Loch Lomond for morning coffee or afternoon tea, picnic to Culzean Country Park, a visit to the Burrell Collection, a trip down the Clyde Coast (eg Rothesay or Dunoon), dinner party for four. Baking, make jam or marmalade. Light gardening, car cleaning, open garden day perhaps with tea and cake, transport to Glasgow or Prestwick Airport. Cooking a meal in someone’s home for four or six people. These are just a few examples and we are sure there are lots of other ideas out there.

A lent study course will be held in the church at 7pm on Wednesdays from until March 20.

The book used will be Windows on Easter: Men and Women who encountere­d Jesus by Bill Crowder. See the death and resurrecti­on of Jesus through the eyes of those who were there: Judas Iscariot, the centurion, Joseph of Arimathea, the women disciples and the disciples on the road to Emmaus.

There will be a short service of worship in Argyll House, North Hamilton Street, on Thursday, February 22 at 2pm.

Pastoral care group will meet on Friday, February 23 at 2pm in the church.

After the school Easter holidays, New Laigh Kirk will be running a new tots group on Tuesday afternoons. More details about our group are to follow but for now, we are asking for donations of toys for our group. Toys must be brand new, (please no broken or unclean toys) and toddler-age appropriat­e. Any donations can be given to Amy Tanner or placed on the stage in the halls with a notice of donation. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Tanner.

Services will also be streamed live via the internet by logging on to the church’s website at


The service at 11am on Sunday will be taken by the very rev William Hewitt. The Bible study and prayer group meet on Monday at 1.30 pm.

On Tuesday, the friendship and faith group meet at 1.30pm. Please come for soup and chat on Friday, March 1 from 12 noon to 2pm in the hall. The fellowship team has organised a movie night on Saturday, March 2 at 7pm in the hall. Tickets priced £3 will include hot dogs and nibbles. On Saturday, February 24 another meeting of messy church will begin at 3.30pm.


If in need of the pastoral care of a minister in the parish of New Farm Loch, please contact our locum minister, rev Dr Robert Anderson, on 01563 850554.

This Sunday’s service will be led by Jon Herd, one of our worship leaders.

You can watch our services on our YouTube channel stkentiger­nchurch at 10.55am or listen to the service on our dedicated phone line on 01563 444269.

Visit our website: https://stkentiger­ns.

Kirk session meeting is on Thursday, February 22 at 7pm in the small hall.

Messy church meets on Friday, February 23 5.45pm to 8pm for fun, faith and fellowship. Messy Church is open to everyone, regardless of age, just let us know if you will be attending for catering purposes.

Youth church meets on a Sunday at 7pm in the church lounge on the first Sunday of each month and every other week in the home of Clarinda and Jim McHardy.

Monday club meets every week from 7pm to 8pm during term time.

Tiny Tots for babies, toddlers and their carers in the large hall on a Tuesday from 9.30am to 11am.

Our community café - one of our warm space/safe place initiative­s - is open on Wednesdays from 10am to 12pm.

Handy crafters takes place each Wednesday evening in the church lounge.

Hamilton art for children takes place in the small hall on Wednesday evenings.

Girls Brigade meet on a Thursday evening from 6pm to 7.45pm.

Anything for the order of service, please make sure it is with Tracey G for printing and Lewis for screen notices by 6pm on Wednesday evening of each week. Email address is: stkentiger­

The Sunday morning prayer meeting takes place in the lounge each Sunday at 10.30am to 10.45am.

The weekly Zoom prayer meeting is held on a Monday at 1.30pm. Anyone wishing to be part of this prayer meeting should let Clarinda McHardy know on 01563 527786 so that she might provide the Zoom codes to you direct. Please be assured that any matters for prayer are discussed discreetly and are kept in strict confidence by those attending.


We meet for Sunday Worship at 11am every Sunday. Children are always welcome in church. Sunday school meets in the church hall 10.45am.


Hop & Bop (for carers and tots) takes place on Monday at 10am.

Toddlers takes place on Wednesday from10am to 11.30am.

Dance Fitmix takes place on Monday from 6pm to 7pm.

Pilates is on a Wednesday from 6pm to 7pm.

Time To Talk features tea, toast and a blether and takes place on Thursdays from 10am to 12pm.

Craft Hub and Men’s Club takes place onThursday­s from 1pm to 3pm.


St Marnock’s guild meets on Mondays at 7.15pm.

The Well community cafe, serving delicious low-cost home baking and freshly cooked lunches, is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am to1.30pm.

The 12th Kilmarnock BBs company section meets on Fridays from 7.30pm to 9pm.

Takeaway lunches are provided on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11.30am to 1pm.

Please continue to keep an eye on our Facebook pages: St Marnock’s Parish Church, Howard Centre Kilmarnock, Craftzone,

The Well and Kilmarnock Broken Chains for any updates.


On this Valentine’s Day, president Marion Gibb welcomed a good turn out of members to Auchencloi­gh SWI. May Wood from Hearing Dogs for the Deaf gave us an interestin­g and amusing talk on the work involved in training one of their dogs.

Margaret Weir took first prize for the individual trifle; Aileen McAllister had the best Valentine’s verse; and Grace Jamieson won the article beginning with ‘A’

Vice President Jean Shaw gave the vote of thanks, and Marion updated us on future events.


Craigie SWI members met on Thursday, February 15 when Fiona Staines gave an interestin­g talk on Beekeeping.

Using visual aids, we heard about the work of the various bees throughout the process of making honey - not an easy task - but very worthwhile.

Jan McCulloch proposed a well deserved vote of thanks.

Moreen Baird had the best honey oaties; Jean Anderson had the best bee article; and Anne Shelton had the best article beginning with ‘M’.


Fenwick Farmers’ Society’s beetle drive will take place on Saturday, March 2 in the church hall at 7pm. There will be a raffle and tuck shop and anyone interested should contact Chloe McCulloch on 07712 668761 or just come along on the night.


Despite the rainy weather there was a good attendance at Moscow SWI’s catered whist drive at Fenwick Church Hall on Wednesday, February 14.

Vice-President Margaret Donaldson gave the vote of thanks and thanked everyone for their attendance and also the committee for the catering and their help on the day.

Next month, Monday, March 4, George Lind will be giving a talk on Oberammerg­au, at 2pm in the Hogg Hall. The competitio­n will be an article beginning with ‘K’.

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