Kilmarnock Standard

Cheapest place to buy home


East Ayrshire is the cheapest place to buy a home in Scotland, according to a new interactiv­e chart.

Fresh data has lifted the lid on how average house prices compare with the average salary in each local authority across Scotland.

The latest figures from the Land Registry cover property prices in the 12 months leading up to October 2023, which combined with wages has shown the most and least affordable postcodes in the UK.

And East Ayrshire sits proudly atop the rest - beating the likes of Burnley,

Aberdeen and North Lanarkshir­e. According to the Land Registry, the average house in East Ayrshire costs £128,148 in the 12 months leading up to last October.

Meanwhile, the average full-time salary there, is £35,726 per year before tax, meaning the average home in East Ayrshire costs 3.6 times the average salary. It means that East Ayrshire is the lowest price-to-income ratio of not just any Scottish council area, but also throughout Great Britain.

North Ayrshire also features in the top 10, sitting four places behind its neighbouri­ng council. The data reveals that house prices in North Ayrshire average at £131,556, whilst the average full-time salary is £35,309, meaning the average house price is 3.73 times the average wage packet.

By comparison South Ayrshire is the most expensive area to buy a home in the region. The average house price in the south is £168,050. Average earnings sit at £38,723 which means the average house price is 4.3 times the average wage.

The 10 most affordable areas in the UK: East Ayrshire, 3.6; Burnley, 3.7; Inverclyde, 3.71; North Ayrshire, 3.73; City of Aberdeen, 3.94; North Lanarkshir­e, 4; West Dunbartons­hire, 4.1; Hyndburn, 4.1; County Durham, 4.11; Shetland Islands, 4.2.

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