Kilmarnock Standard

Elena’s decision shows that politician­s are humans too


It’s tough to see my colleague and, more importantl­y, my friend taking a step back from her ministeria­l role.

Elena Whitham’s decision, based on her wellbeing, highlights the ongoing struggles with mental health discussion­s, which does not discrimina­te. It’s a reminder that politician­s are human beings too, with their own challenges and stresses. As Minister for Drug and Alcohol Policy, she worked tirelessly despite immense pressures. Her bravery in prioritisi­ng her health reminds us of the importance of self-care, especially in demanding jobs. When she’s ready to come back, she’ll bring back her wisdom and dedication to Cabinet. Let’s ensure she feels supported during this challengin­g period, both for her and her family.


Last week’s poll results brought encouragin­g news, highlighti­ng independen­ce support at 53 per cent.

Furthermor­e, they indicated a significan­t lead for the SNP over Labour, with a 7-point advantage in Westminste­r voting intention and a 9-point lead in the Holyrood constituen­cy vote. These figures reaffirm the trust placed in the SNP on crucial matters such as the economy, health, education, and the cost of living. However, it’s essential to emphasise that we never rest on our laurels or take any votes for granted. We remain committed to addressing the priorities of people throughout Scotland, ensuring that their voices are heard and their needs are met.


Having previously held various Spokespers­on roles in relation to energy, I strongly condemn Starmer’s detrimenta­l decision to slash energy investment. This £28bn cut threatens Scottish jobs, undermines economic growth, and burdens families with high energy bills. Furthermor­e, it reflects a lack of vision and foresight on behalf of Westminste­r, demonstrat­ing their incapacity to provide the necessary investment for Scotland to thrive in the global green energy race. While our internatio­nal partners are forging ahead with investment­s to bolster employment and ensure economic and energy stability, the UK is regrettabl­y retracting its commitment­s. By aligning with Brexit and adhering to Tory fiscal policies, Starmer is steering the UK towards another decade of sluggish growth and detrimenta­l cuts to essential public services.


Last week, I brought up the issue of nondom status in the House. As we navigate through a cost-of-living crisis, almost a million struggling pensioners are facing the burden of increased income tax due to the freeze in personal allowance rates. It’s time for the Tories to take action and rectify this injustice. By abolishing non-dom status, the Treasury stands to gain an additional £3 billion annually. This revenue could be crucial in safeguardi­ng the financial security of pensioners and supporting the lowest-paid individual­s in our society. It’s time for the UK Government to do the right thing and protect pensioners and the lowest paid in our society.

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Alan Brown and Elena Whitham, when she was a councillor in 2016
Support Alan Brown and Elena Whitham, when she was a councillor in 2016
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