Kilmarnock Standard

Stance on interchang­e sparks fury


Transport Scotland’s view that the busy Bellfield Interchang­e won’t become a priority for almost 20 years has been blasted as ‘scandalous’.

East Ayrshire Council leader Douglas Reid, said that the decision, combined with the failure to secure £10m in levelling up funds from the UK Government, would have implicatio­ns for both safety and the economic growth of the region.

The council leader said that the lack of improvemen­ts at the much lambasted roundabout, which serves as a hub between Ayrshire and the central belt, was having economic repercussi­ons for local people, leading to more and more leaving the area.

He said: “We can’t address some of the issues of population decline until we unlock the gridlock that we have here.

“It’s not just that. We know only too well, every time you put on the radio there’s another accident.

“We know what a blockage does in terms of restrictin­g movement in the area, but it’s the [impact on] long term growth and I think it’s absolutely scandalous that Transport Scotland doesn’t think this is a priority before 2042.”

Cllr Reid insisted that even more needs to be done to lobby Scottish Government and Transport Scotland.

He added that other parts of Scotland seemed to be getting the help that East Ayrshire needs.

“Other areas of Scotland, particular­ly the east coast, seem to be thriving at the moment.

“In terms of the southwest of Scotland, the investment in an area in which we’ve seen decline in terms of population, there’s been very scant investment plans for the future.

“The stance that Transport Scotland have here are is nothing short of scandalous from my point of view.”

He added that he would be looking for a meeting with the head of Transport Scotland and Transport Minister, Fiona Hyslop, to see ‘firsthand’ what the issues are around the Bellfield Interchang­e.

SNP councillor, Graham Barton, said that he faced the traffic on the Bellfield Interchang­e on a regular basis, saying that drivers needed the “reactions of a mongoose or to use ‘the force’” to enter the roundabout at times.

He said: “I live in New Farm and I take that trip down from the Grassyards junction to the Bellfield Interchang­e, which should take you a couple of minutes, but at peak traffic that’s a half an hour nightmare journey.

“It’s just going to be that tragic accidents happen there all the time until its sorted.

While the interchang­e was not included in Transport Scotland’s priorities up until 2042, they opened a door for improvemen­ts, but insisted that the council had an obligation to carry out its own improvemen­ts.

A Transport Scotland spokespers­on said: “The second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) recommends that safety, resilience, and reliabilit­y improvemen­ts are made on the A75 and A77.

“The A77 Bellfield is an example of possible locations highlighte­d for further considerat­ion for potential improvemen­ts.

“Progressio­n of this will be based on considerat­ions of accident history and other factors such as competing needs for capital funding in transport across Scotland.”

However, they added that, as the planning authority, the council needed to address the impact of developmen­ts on transport, as it committed to in its local developmen­t plan.

It cites the inclusion of short to medium terms improvemen­ts to the A77 southbound slip at the Bellfield Roundabout in the plan, as well as £7.7m in improvemen­ts required as a result of the council’s spatial strategy.

They added: “Transport Scotland officials would be amiable to a meeting with the council, if they thought that would be helpful in moving the situation forward.”

Speaking to the Local Democracy Reporting Service, Councillor Reid welcomed the agencies’ comments on upgrading the A77 and willingnes­s to meet.

He said: “I cannot emphasise enough how important improving the Bellfield junction is for Kilmarnock, other corridors along the A71 and A76, in fact the whole Ayrshire transport network and the wider Ayrshire economy, not to mention our concern over health and safety in what is becoming an accident blackspot.

“I look forward to meeting Transport Scotland, Scottish and UK Government­s to press home the need to improve the Bellfield Interchang­e as a matter of priority. “

Cabinet agreed to work cross party to raise the issues and work on a strategy and campaign to lobby for an urgent review of the situation.

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