Hull Daily Mail

Hull to shout loud and proud


- Dave Norman

THIS Saturday sees the return of Hull Pride where it will transform the city into a rainbow spectacle with a parade, star guests and family entertainm­ent. This year’s theme is “We’ve Got Pride Down to a T”, which celebrates the entire LGBTQ+ spectrum.

Pride always starts with a colourful parade gathering at 9.30am and it promising to be a dazzling display of love, acceptance, and solidarity.

Following the parade, the main stage at Zebedee’s Yard will come alive with exhilarati­ng performanc­es from noon to 6pm.

Headline acts include pop sensation Louise, who will be treating the audience to her chart-topping hits, also making an appearance is Max

George from The Wanted and acclaimed DJ Stephanie Hirst’s set will give the Pride in Hull some positive energy.

Regarded as one of the best in the business, Dolly Parton tribute Beebi Del is making an appearance along with Lady Gaga tribute Lady Za Za, and the Abbadabbat­wo Abba tribute show. The festival will also feature a special appearance by Miss Naomi Carter, the fierce drag queen from Rupaul’s Drag Race with Hull’s own Bobby Mandrell sure to leave a big impression on proceeding­s along with the State of the Arts Academy. Ash Palmiscian­o better known for his role as Matty Barton in Emmerdale will once again co-host the main stage.

As the first trans actor to play a trans character in the longrunnin­g soap, Ash’s presence perfectly aligns with this year’s main message.

The festival extends beyond the Zebedee’s Yard main stage, offering a variety of attraction­s, to include a Silent Disco in the PQ Event space at Princes Quay. There will be a Family Area at Ferens Art Gallery.

King Edward Street, Hull Freedom Quarter, and Savile Street will have Community Market. Trans Square in Queen Victoria Square. There will also be quiet areas at Maister House and “Hush” by Autistic Pride at Pride located at Hull Truck.

Hull Pride is a free event ran by a dedicated team of volunteers and is set to be the best of fun.

THE area has a busy programme of Jazz music sessions over the coming week starting tonight.

The organisers of North Ferriby Live events are presenting a Jazz Jam Session at the Village Hall on Church Road in North Ferriby.

On Friday night contempora­ry jazz is back at the Lairgate in Beverley with the outfit joined on the night by guest saxophonis­t Alex Fisher.

On Saturday night The Polar Bear Jazz club have a session at the Polar Bear pub on Springbank, west Hull, which starts around 8pm. Also, on Saturday night The Hull Truck theatre presents The Snake Davis Trio at the Godber Studio Theatre.

On Friday night the monthly Soul XS club night is being held at the Hessle Ex-servicemen’s club on Hull Road in Hessle.

Following the continued success of their previous events, the team from Soul XS returns with the sounds of Soul, Northern Soul and Motown.

The evening starts at 7pm and features the resident DJ team of Steve Gill, Rob Cooke, Neil Laverick, Steve Hutson and Arthur Hardy.

There will also be a special guest DJ playing popular Motown and Northern Soul classics and entry is £3 on the door.

AMONG the other gigs of note this week include this afternoon’s Wednesday Club at The Ryder on Coltman Street with guest entertaine­r Mark Kelly and the resident Ryder compere Ric Owen.

Tonight the Willows Country Music Club on Holderness Road in Hull features the return of country music artiste Marshall Crawford.

The local fundraisin­g group The Society of Mice are appearing at the Ryder Club tomorrow night making money for good causes.

Entry is free, everyone is welcome and I’ve always maintained that it would be easy to underestim­ate the number of people who have benefitted from the selfless efforts of the Society of Mice over the past 60 years.

The Society continues in its aim to raise funds with live concert shows in pubs, clubs, village halls, retirement homes, theatres and other fundraisin­g events that the Mice typically get involved with.

On Saturday night you can catch the excellent girl duo Venus at The Willows Sports and Social on Holderness Road and on Sunday night The Hornsea Ex-servicemen’s club features Gary Julian.

Next Tuesday afternoon female vocalist Leah appearing at the Four In Hand on Holderness Road.

■■If you have a festival, fair, afternoon club or special event coming up email

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 ?? ?? Host, Ash Palmiscian­o
Host, Ash Palmiscian­o
 ?? ?? Louise Redknapp
Louise Redknapp
 ?? ?? Marshal Crawford
Marshal Crawford
 ?? ?? Max George
Max George
 ?? ?? Alex Fisher
Alex Fisher

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