Hull Daily Mail

Climbing centre Rockcity looks to scale new heights


- By DEBORAH HALL @Deborahhal­l15

CLIMBING centre Rockcity is going for gold at the Paris Olympic Games, as it looks to expand its operation in Hull.

Rockcity, which is celebratin­g its 30th anniversar­y this year, has been selected to provide the holds for the competitio­n climbing walls.

It is providing a total of 600 holds for the Games, which run from July 26 to August 11.

The award is the latest global success for Rockcity, which also provided the holds for the Olympic climbing qualifiers in Shanghai, China, and Budapest, Hungary.

Its internatio­nally recognised expertise in the design of challengin­g holds also resulted in Rockcity providing the holds for the last Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020 – when competitio­n climbing made its debut.

The company has provided holds for other major competitio­ns in recent years too, including the Internatio­nal Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) World Cup in Hachioji, Japan, in 2018, and the European Championsh­ips in Zacopane, Poland, the following year, among others.

Now, Rockcity, based on Hawthorne Avenue, west Hull, is planning to expand with a new climbing hold manufactur­ing factory in the city.

It currently designs all its own holds but has to outsource the manufactur­ing side to specialist companies across the world.

Rockcity plans to open a new £400,000, 10,000 sq ft facility next to its climbing centre to bring the whole process in-house.

Managing Director Mark English, who founded Rockcity as only the fourth indoor climbing centre in the country in 1994, said: “It’s fantastic that a small business in Hull has the expertise to be able to influence the Olympic Games.

“It’s such a high-profile event to be a part of, and it’s brilliant for our profile.

“We’ve developed as a business over time, and we’ve always been interested in the design of the climbing holds.

“We make them from polyuretha­ne, which enables you to have incredible detail and thin holds that would break if they were made from different material.

“They’re excellent for competitio­n climbing because they allow the route setters to make changes to the climbs that really force movement.

“Climbing is one of the very few sports where the field of play is deliberate­ly changed. It’s manipulate­d to confuse the participan­ts. That’s why these holds are so important.”

Rockcity currently has climbers from the age of just two up to 80, and Mark said it has grown in popularity as people have come to appreciate the health benefits.

“It’s been one of the fastest growing sports in recent years,” he said. “You get a full body workout, using all your major muscle groups. You’re using your own body weight as resistance, and it’s a really good

all-round exercise regime.

“What’s also become more and more apparent over the years is that it’s very good for mental health. It’s a sport for people who don’t like other sports or traditiona­l exercise, and it’s just a really enjoyable activity.”

Mark was exhibiting at a trade show in Germany in 2017 when the opportunit­y presented itself for Rockcity to feature in a catalogue, from which approved products would be selected for major internatio­nal events.

He and his team developed their holds, presented them and were selected.

Rockcity, with support from Hull City Council’s business advisers, is now applying for £120,000 from the Growing Places Fund towards the developmen­t of the new factory, which will create eight full-time jobs. It is hoped the facility will be operationa­l in six months.

Mark said: “We’ve proven there’s demand and we’ve built a brand. We have internatio­nal sales and marketing, now we want to bring the manufactur­ing under our own control, in our home city.

“It will allow us to improve the quality, improve the lead times and the pricing. We’ll also be able to be more responsive.

“We’ve always been well supported by Hull City Council’s Business Support Team. They’ve provided us with invaluable advice and support over the years, and have helped us navigate any issues we’ve had.”

Councillor Paul Drake-davis, the council’s portfolio holder for regenerati­on and housing, said: “Rockcity is a true Hull success story and it’s great to see a company the council has supported over the years playing a key role in the Paris Olympic Games.

“The company’s plans to expand with a new manufactur­ing facility in the city, creating local jobs, are also very exciting, and further evidence of its continued success.”

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 ?? ?? Climbing holds at Rockcity similar to those being used in the Paris Olympic Games
Climbing holds at Rockcity similar to those being used in the Paris Olympic Games
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 ?? PICTURES: TOM ARRAN ?? Rockcity managing director Mark English
PICTURES: TOM ARRAN Rockcity managing director Mark English

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