Hull Daily Mail

Morgan throws hat in the ring for Welsh post


WELSH Health Secretary Eluned Morgan has officially announced she is running to replace outgoing First Minister Vaughan Gething, who lasted just four months in the post.

Baroness Morgan will be standing on a joint “unity” ticket with rural affairs minister Huw Irranca-davies, who would become deputy first minister.

They have received a groundswel­l of support from across the Labour benches, including from Mr Gething’s rival in the last leadership race, Jeremy Miles.

Their announceme­nt on Monday comes after Mr Gething was forced to announce his resignatio­n as First Minister and Welsh Labour leader last week, after four members of his cabinet quit en masse in criticism of his leadership.

Baroness Morgan is the Senedd member for Mid and West Wales and a peer in the House of Lords, where she is listed as being on a leave of absence, and was a member of the European Parliament.

In a statement, Baroness Morgan said: “I am proud to stand as a candidate to be the next leader of Welsh Labour, driven by a passion to serve the people and reset the relationsh­ip between the Government and the people of Wales.

“I am delighted to be teaming up with my fantastic colleague, Huw Irranca-davies, who shares my passion and experience in government and strong sense of public duty. Together, we are committed to putting Wales back on track.

“In the coming days, we will set out our priorities to improve public services, create better, greener jobs and empower our communitie­s.

“Our focus will be meaningful change and building a brighter future for communitie­s across Wales.”

If Baroness Morgan succeeds, she will be the first female leader of Wales.

 ?? ROB BROWNE/ WALES ONLINE ?? Eluned Morgan

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