Hull Daily Mail

How safe do you feel in city centre at night?

Hull city council seeking opinions with online survey


A NEW survey from Hull City Council is seeking people’s opinion on Hull city centre at night-time.

The questionna­ire, open to anyone over 18, focuses on safety and personal experience­s in the city centre, including old town, new town and the Fruit Market area.

It covers experience­s in venues, on the streets and using transport links.

The survey aims to gather informatio­n on people’s experience­s in the city centre for various reasons such as nights out, theatre trips, studying, working or just passing through. It is available online until September 16.

Once the survey concludes, the responses will be analysed to help improve the safety and enjoyment of the city centre for everyone.

Cllr Linda Tock commented: “We want Hull city centre to be a safe, vibrant place where residents and visitors feel safe and happy socialisin­g, living and working. In order for us and our partners to achieve that, we need to know whether people feel safe, what experience­s they have had and how and when they use the city centre.

“This survey will be open until September 16 and is quick and easy to complete online, including on a phone or ipad. We want to hear from a diverse range of people, using the city centre for a range of reasons.”

“Going forward, the plan is to conduct this survey annually, so that we can measure the effectiven­ess of ongoing work to make our city safer”.

Posters, leaflets and business cards featuring a QR code that links directly to the survey have been placed around the city, including in libraries, venues on the Low Ale Trail, and across the council’s social media channels.

To complete the survey now, go to online1.snapsurvey­­4d

 ?? ?? Police patrolling Hull’s Old Town at night
Police patrolling Hull’s Old Town at night

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