Hull Daily Mail

‘Perverted’ and ‘sick’ serial sex offender targeted young girls


- By MARK naylor @Gtmarknayl­or

A YOUNG serial sex offender has been jailed for 16 years after he cynically targeted two girls during separate campaigns of sexual abuse and left them suffering severe psychologi­cal damage.

Harry Grindley has been branded a “coward” by one of the victims after he brazenly tried to talk his way out of trouble and did not confess to what he did to the shocked and vulnerable victims, Hull Crown Court heard.

Grindley, 22, of Hull, denied two offences of raping a girl under 13 and a separate offence of assault by penetratio­n but he was convicted by a jury after a five-day trial in April.

David Godfrey, prosecutin­g, said that the offences came to light after the “plainly shocked” mother of one of the girls phoned the police. Grindley was arrested and he was questioned about the separate offences against the girls.

The mother of the rape victim later said that the girl was left “in shock” and “frozen” and not knowing what to do by what happened to her.

The second victim condemned Grindley as a “coward” for not admitting what he had done to her and she said that she had gone through stress.

“I finally got justice,” she said. She now had the “peace” of knowing that Grindley was, in her words, now where he belonged.

Nick Peacock, mitigating, said that few points in Grindley’s favour could be made because he had been convicted after a trial instead of pleading guilty. “There is little that can be said,” said Mr Peacock.

Grindley had suffered problems during his life. “It doesn’t absolve him of blame,” said Mr Peacock.

Grindley had no previous conviction­s. “It’s his first custodial sentence,” said Mr Peacock. “He has never been convicted of any offences in the past. The first few years are going to be very hard for him.”

Judge Alexander Menary said that Grindley’s offending had caused a “devastatin­g and harmful impact” on the girls and one of the victims had been left as a “shadow of her former self” and “scared”. The crimes had “cast a long shadow” and they had caused severe psychologi­cal harm.

Officer in the case, Detective Constable Shaun Chambers said: “Grindley is a perverted criminal who targeted two young girls, sexually abusing them for his own sick sexual gratificat­ion.

“Investigat­ions of this nature are always incredibly concerning but I hope the fact that he is now off our streets and facing considerab­le time behind bars offers some reassuranc­e that he is unable to continue his vile crimes.

“We will always take all reports of sexual offences incredibly seriously, regardless of when they happened. If you have any informatio­n or concerns about sexual offences please get in touch via our non-emergency 101 line or 999 in an emergency.

“You can also report informatio­n anonymousl­y via the independen­t charity Crimestopp­ers on 0800 555 111.”

Grindley had been on bail until the point of his jailing. He will be on extended licence of one year after his release from prison. He was given a sexual harm prevention order for life and he will have to register as a sex offender for life.

 ?? ?? Harry Grindley
Harry Grindley

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