Hull Daily Mail

RNLI springs into action as eight people stranded


BRIDLINGTO­N RNLI was called into action by HM Coastguard this weekend after eight people were left stranded.

On Saturday, June 29, at 2.45pm, the team received a report that the town’s historic fishing coble ‘Three Brothers’ had become stuck in the mud at low tide with several passengers on-board who were unable to safely disembark onto the harbour.

Upon receiving instructio­ns from the HM Coastguard­s, the volunteer crew of three launched the Bridlingto­n RNLI Inshore Lifeboat (ILB) ‘Ernie

Wellings’ at 2.58pm and made haste towards Bridlingto­n Harbour, reaching the stranded coble within two minutes. The historic vessel was participat­ing in the annual Bridlingto­n Sailing Coble Festival over the weekend.

Due to the receding tide, the coble found itself grounded with eight passengers aboard, unable to make a safe return to the jetty in Bridlingto­n Harbour. The situation was further complicate­d due to all the other boats in the harbour which were also left high and dry due to the low tide and unable to assist the stranded coble.

Fortunatel­y, thanks to the very low draft of the D-class lifeboat, the volunteer crew of the RNLI managed to reach the stranded coble and all eight passengers were safely transferre­d from the coble to the Chicken Run pier within the harbour and all were back on dry land by 3.20pm. The volunteer crew then returned to the beach, the lifeboat was recovered, washed down, refuelled and back ready for service.

Ash Traves, Bridlingto­n RNLI Helm, stated: “It was clear, upon reaching the coble, that all the passengers were unable to make safe passage onto the harbour pier. Due to the tide conditions, without our assistance, there was no way they could have disembarke­d until late evening due to the tide.”

 ?? ?? The rescue in progress
The rescue in progress

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