Hull Daily Mail

Warning letters for Bransholme residents on bin collection day

Message left on windscreen­s Amid problems with parking

- By JACK BOWMAN @hulllive ■■You can check your own bin collection days by visiting­s

RESIDENTS on a Bransholme street have had letters left on their windscreen­s amid problems with parking on bin collection days.

Drivers have been reminded to be more considerat­e with their parking as collection vehicles are struggling to access Newlyn Close to empty the bins - meaning some are being left full.

In the letter, which has been seen by Hull Live, and was left on Friday, which is bin collection day for that area, cars parked on a corner or towards the end of a street are highlighte­d as preventing the waste management vehicle from manoeuvrin­g safely. Bin crews operate between 7am and 4.30pm every Friday in Newlyn Close and the surroundin­g area.

The letter from The Waste Management team at Hull City Council reads: “It is every driver’s responsibi­lity to ensure that they have parked their vehicle in a safe manner, while observing any parking regulation­s which are in force.

“We recommend that drivers should independen­tly judge the location and study any signs and or lines in order to establish the parking options which are available before making a choice.”

If a resident’s bin is missed for this reason, a smaller vehicle can be sent to collect the bin. But there may be a significan­t delay as there are fewer of these smaller vehicles.

A Hull City Council spokespers­on said: “Our bin collection crews have recently observed that it has been increasing­ly difficult to access the bins on Newlyn Close due to parked cars. This impacts both residents and the smooth operation of our waste collection service. While we do not maintain a specific list of areas or streets where the issue is prevalent, from time to time, when issues are observed, we may kindly write to residents to request their cooperatio­n.

“We continue to ask residents to be mindful when parking on bin collection days, and to retrieve their bins promptly after collection to prevent them from blocking the pavement or road. We appreciate everyone’s understand­ing and collaborat­ion in maintainin­g a clean and accessible city for all.”

 ?? FILE PICTURE ?? Bin lorries are struggling to get down Newlyn Close due to parked cars
FILE PICTURE Bin lorries are struggling to get down Newlyn Close due to parked cars

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