Hull Daily Mail

It’s time to clean up city


- By Joseph Gerrard joseph.gerrard@trinitymir­ @Joegerrard­4

THE Bricknell area of Hull is set for a free bulky waste collection event to try and combat fly-tipping.

Council workers are set to visit 20 streets in Bricknell ward for the ‘Bring Out Your Rubbish Day’ on Saturday, May 18, to pick up waste.

A Hull City Council decision record stated the day had been timed with the aim of clearing away as much rubbish as possible before the start of summer.

It comes after the council agreed to release around £4,282 in funding for the Bring Out Your Rubbish Day. Every Hull resident is entitled to one free bulky waste collection of up to five items a year.

But Bring Out Your Rubbish Days allow households to get rid of waste without having to book in advance. The council’s decision record stated waste collection was a priority in

Bricknell ward due to an increase in fly-tipping and untidy gardens.

The decision record stated: “This event will help to rid the area of waste that would otherwise become fuel for unauthoris­ed fires in the area. It would increase the confidence of residents in the council in its efforts to tackle fly-tipping, crime and antisocial behaviour in this part of the ward and improve residents’ sense of wellbeing.

“These events allow residents to get rid of rubbish they have accumulate­d often over many years. This creates a healthier environmen­t to live in and space to do other activities and can reduce stress levels.”

The council is yet to confirm which Bricknell streets are included in the 20 set for collection­s.

The Bring Out Your Rubbish Day in Bricknell follows funding to hold four in east Hull’s Southcoate­s ward. Others were put on in Ings, also in east Hull, as part of wider efforts to crack down on fires being lit in the ward’s Grasby Park area.

 ?? HULL CITY COUNCIL ?? The Bring Out Your Rubbish Day aims to combat a rise in fly-tipping in Bricknell
HULL CITY COUNCIL The Bring Out Your Rubbish Day aims to combat a rise in fly-tipping in Bricknell

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