Hull Daily Mail

Peters knows results-driven reality for KR


- By Matty SHAW @_mattyshaw

WILLIE Peters is eager for his side to produce a performanc­e Hull KR can move forward from against Wigan - regardless of whether they come out on top or not.

Last weekend saw their winning streak come to an end, with the Robins producing an out-of-character performanc­e in a heavy defeat to Catalans.

It was the manner of the outing that disappoint­ed Peters more than anything.

Travelling to Perpignan and leaving with two points is a rare occurrence for any side but how his side was defeated was what stung the most as Peters described it as their worst performanc­e of the season.

With that in mind, Peters is keen to see his side recapture that manner of display that has seen them considered a contender for trophies.

At a time when many are looking for Rovers to reinforce their credential­s with a win against one of the big boys, Peters is more focused on producing the manner of performanc­e that will give them a chance to compete in the first place.

“When you play quality teams you need to be very good in different areas of your games,” he said. “Areas you value.

“We’ll go back to being very good in the areas we value, and if you do that, you give yourself a chance against quality teams.”

He added: “With us, we want our reviews to be similar, win or lose, naturally, you have honest conversati­ons, but we don’t want to get too low as well after one loss.

“On the flip side, when you’re winning games, you don’t want to get too high as well. We definitely try and find that balance, but it’s about being upfront and honest.

“At the end of the day, we can play extremely well and lose. Rugby league and sport in general is resultsdri­ven, and I get that, but if you play extremely well against the best teams and lose, well, there’s a lot to build off of that.

“Naturally, if it’s sudden death, it’s totally different, but last week we weren’t in the fight, we’ve got to be honest with that.

“This week is about being us and that’s what we focus on, what we can control.

“There were certainly choices last week that, again, weren’t us. We need to be better this week, but we’re certainly not getting too down or putting too much pressure on us regarding games ahead.”

Another focus area beyond playing well is doing it for the course of a full game.

Rovers have developed the habit of starting slow before improving, or vice versa.

Peters wants that to change.

“There have been a few times here where the scoreline has heavily been in favour of us and we’ve not gone on in the second half, you can’t do that against the best teams in the competitio­n.

“First half of last week we found ourselves 20 points down, there’s no doubt we thought we could come back, but you’re playing against a quality team and the way we had that ding dong, that’s what we needed for the majority of the game. You can handle when you get beat and you were in the fight, but we weren’t in the fight last week and we know that and know we’ve got to be better.”

 ?? OLLY HASSELL/ SWPIX.COM ?? Hull KR head coach Willie Peters
OLLY HASSELL/ SWPIX.COM Hull KR head coach Willie Peters
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