Hull Daily Mail



- By DAN TOMLINSON daniel @hulllive

SIMON Grix is ‘optimistic’ for what lies ahead in his time as Hull FC interim head coach.

The 38-year-old has been told the role is his for the rest of the season, with a chance to stamp his own mark on the team.

And while the club are actively on the hunt for a new permanent head coach, of which Grix is a candidate, the former Halifax Panthers boss is relaxed about the situation, even one that saw Hull miss out on a high-profile attempt to lure Paul Rowley to the club.

In Grix’s view, that’s all he can be, with the former Warrington Wolves and Fax player declaring he has ‘nothing to lose’ as he attacks the final two thirds of the season with some new methods and tweaks to the side.

“I’m not worried about it,” Grix explained. It’s not something I can worry about now.

“If I get a tap on the shoulder and it’s time for me to move on for whatever reason, I’ll deal with it at that time, but there’s no point in worrying about something before you get anywhere near it. I’m optimistic.

“It’s a good challenge in front of us, and because of where we are at the moment, I don’t think we’ve got anything to lose as a group.

“I don’t have anything to lose either, and we can try a few things and try to get ourselves back to where we’re proud of what we’re doing rather than being embarrasse­d.

“It does reflect on all of us, doesn’t it, where we’re at at the moment, but

I don’t think it’s going to do us or me any harm between now and the end of the year. I think there’s improvemen­t in this group and in potentiall­y bringing people in.

“There’s also improvemen­t in other lads who are coming into the squad who haven’t played yet, Truey,

Mitch, Fashy, there’s still improvemen­t in all of us. It’s not the end of the line. There’s a fair bit to look forward to, even though it might not seem like it at the moment.”

Grix came to Hull FC to work under Tony Smith as his assistant, with the interim manager hoping his mentor finds new employment in the future.

“I was at Warrington when Paul Cullen lost his job; I’ve seen it before,” Grix added. “I was a bit younger then so you don’t really understand the remificati­ons for that individual and what it can do to them off the pitch.

“There aren’t that many jobs in coaching and then you’re on the outer for a while, it can be hard to get back in. It’s an experience and it’s happened to someone I’m pretty tight with and care for.

“It’s not an ideal scenario to be in but as Tony says all the time, ‘You’ve just got to crack on with it.’ That’s the job. Hopefully, there’s another opportunit­y for Tony in the future, but for myself, I’m not too worried about it or stuff that I can’t control. Someone else will make that call in the future.”

 ?? PAUL CURRIE/ SWPIX.COM ?? Hull FC’S interim head coach Simon Grix
PAUL CURRIE/ SWPIX.COM Hull FC’S interim head coach Simon Grix

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