Hull Daily Mail

Corey wanted more game time at centre, says Robins’ Peters


- By Matty SHAW @_mattyshaw

COREY Hall’s desire to play at centre was a key motive behind Hull KR’S decision to let him spend the rest of the year at Castleford Tigers.

The Robins youngster has joined the Tigers as part of the swap deal that has seen Jack Broadbent arrive at Craven Park.

While Broadbent will remain at Rovers next year and beyond, Hall is heading to Cas on a loan deal until the end of the season.

He is contracted with the Robins until the end of 2025, meaning he will return to the club next season.

Broadbent provides utility value, given that he can play anywhere in the backs.

It’s a trait liked by coach Willie Peters, who has tried to add versatilit­y across his squad and within individual players. That has included Hall, who has recently been tried out.

However, Peters revealed that the 21-year-old was keen to focus on the centre spot, a position where Rovers are already well-stocked with the likes of Peta Hiku, Tom Opacic and Oliver Gildart.

With that limiting his opportunit­ies, the decision was made to let him leave on loan.

“Corey wants to play centre; that’s a position he wants to play,” Peters said.

“At the moment, we’ve got strong depth in that position so it’s one of those. I see Corey as an exciting player and he’s going to be a very good player. I’ve said that since the day he arrived.

“If players are patient in terms of being happy to bide their time and work hard and potentiall­y play in another position.

“Corey wanted to play centre and it’s one of those where I won’t stand in his way because he’s a talented centre and he needs to be playing and he gets that opportunit­y at Cas, they’ll guarantee him that centre spot.

“Again, I’m not going to hold someone back that can be in that position, it’s not good for Corey and it’s not going to be good for us.”

He added: “You’ve got to look at the whole picture, if we hold Corey back it doesn’t help him and it doesn’t help us, it’s a chance for him to show how talented he is and Castleford will see that.”

Meanwhile, Peters admitted letting Louis Senior head out on loan was the right thing to do, with the winger yet to receive a contract offer from the club ahead of next season.

Peters believes the Ireland internatio­nal deserves an opportunit­y to prove himself to both Rovers and other potential suitors at a key point in his career.

“Someone like Louis Senior, for me as a coach, if we haven’t planned at the moment to keep Louis Senior next year, I’m not a coach who sits someone in and amongst the squad and holds them back from getting an opportunit­y for this or next year.

“Louis has got to feed himself, his family and look after his future. If I can make a decision around that and help a player and I know the answer, I’ll always give it, but there are situations where you have to put the team and the squad first.”

 ?? JOHN CLIFTON/SWPIX.COM ?? Hull KR’S Corey Hall, who has gone on loan to Castleford Tigers
JOHN CLIFTON/SWPIX.COM Hull KR’S Corey Hall, who has gone on loan to Castleford Tigers

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