How It Works





The world’s oldest known constructi­on was built by a Neandertha­l. In a cave in France in the early 1990s, researcher­s discovered semi-circles of stalagmite­s more than 300 metres from the cave’s entrance. Stalagmite­s naturally form from minerals dripping onto the oor of a cave. However, these structures were built using broken stalagmite­s, which had been arranged in semicircle­s up to 6.7 metres wide. Through analysis of the calcite in the stalagmite­s, constructi­on has been dated to between 174,400 and 178,600 years ago. As to why the architect created it, researcher­s have suggested that the stalagmite­s were once stacked up to form a wall, which could have acted as a hearth.

In 1829, the †rst fossilised bones of a prehistori­c hominid were uncovered in Engis, Belgium. At the time, archaeolog­ists hadn’t a clue who or what they belonged to. It wasn’t until almost 100 years later that these bones were attributed to the Neandertha­ls. Over the course of the century, other similar fossils were discovered across Europe. The †rst specimen to be recognised as an early human fossil was found in 1856 in Kleine Feldhofer Grotte in Neander Valley, Germany. Geologist William King suggested the name Homo neandertha­lensis for the newly discovered hominid species, and the specimen was dubbed ‘Neandertha­l 1’. Seeing the similariti­es between Neandertha­l 1 and the 1829 specimen, archaeolog­ists †nally attributed the Engis discovery to the same species.

Around 85 per cent of Neandertha­ls died by the age of 40


Neandertha­ls used prehistori­c tools made from stone and bone to cut, puncture and shape animal skins. 4

Dangerous animals, such as cave lions, were hunted and skinned for their pelts, which may then have been turned into primitive clothing.

 ?? ?? The cranium of the rst o•cially identi ed caveman, Neandertha­l 1
The cranium of the rst o•cially identi ed caveman, Neandertha­l 1
 ?? ?? Neandertha­l stalagmite a semi-circles found in French cave
Neandertha­l stalagmite a semi-circles found in French cave

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