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Eating too much sugar may accelerate cellular ageing


Anutrient-rich diet with few added sugars may slow the rate of biological ageing in women. Scientists found that middle-aged women who ate more foods packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidan­ts had ‘younger looking’ cells than those who consumed less nutrient-rich diets. They judged the youthfulne­ss of cells by looking at chemical tags known as methyl groups on the surface of DNA molecules. These tweak the activity of specic genes without altering DNA code, a process known as epigenetic modication.

The pattern of these methyl groups changes as we age, which is believed to contribute to accelerate­d cellular ageing. While nutrient-rich diets were tied to slowed ageing, added sugars seemed to dampen the e ect.

In the study, women who consumed higher amounts of added sugars showed signs of hastened cellular ageing compared to others, even if they ate an otherwise healthy diet. ‘Added sugars’ refers to sugars added to food during production, such as those in sugarsweet­ened drinks and baked goods, as opposed to the naturally occurring sugars found in milk, fruits and vegetables. The new study is one of the rst to demonstrat­e a link between added sugar consumptio­n and so-called epigenetic ageing. “We knew that high levels of added sugars are linked to worsened metabolic health and early disease, possibly more than any other dietary factor,” said Elissa Epel, a professor of psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco. “Now we know that accelerate­d epigenetic ageing is underlying this relationsh­ip, and this is likely one of many ways that excessive sugar intake limits healthy longevity.”

Epel and her colleagues analysed food records catalogued by 342 women, aged 39 years old on average, over three nonconsecu­tive days. The team then scored each woman’s diet based on how closely it adhered to various establishe­d diets. These included the Mediterran­ean diet, which is rich in plants, whole grains and unsaturate­d fats and low in red meats, saturated fats and sugars. Another similar diet, called the Alternativ­e Healthy Eating Index, specically emphasises foods and nutrients believed to reduce the risk of chronic disease. The researcher­s also devised a new measure of nutrient intake called the Epigenetic Nutrient Index. This includes nutrients linked to antioxidat­ive and antiinŽammatory processes in the body, as well as to DNA maintenanc­e and repair. For example, it includes vitamins A, C, B12 and E, along with folate and magnesium.

In addition to scoring people’s diets, the team assessed how much added sugar the women ate, which ranged between 2.7 and

316 grams of added sugar a day. The team calculated the participan­ts’ epigenetic ages by looking at the DNA methylatio­n of cells within saliva samples. The data revealed the links between diet and cellular ageing, but they only captured a snapshot. The ndings support the idea that eating nutritious foods low in added sugars may improve a person’s health span, meaning the period of their life in which they are healthy, not just surviving. However, more research is needed to assess how following these diets might a ect epigenetic ageing in the long run.

 ?? ?? Added sugar found in sweet treats may accelerate cellular ageing
Added sugar found in sweet treats may accelerate cellular ageing

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