How It Works

Gene variant guards against Parkinson’s disease


People who carry a rare gene variant are about half as likely to develop Parkinson’s disease than people who carry a different version of the gene, a new study has found. Researcher­s have started to unravel exactly how this genetic quirk might protect against Parkinson’s by preserving the function of a crucial enzyme needed for cells’ metabolism and survival. A better understand­ing of the protective mechanism could lead to new treatments for the disease. “This study advances our understand­ing of why people might get Parkinson’s and how we might develop new therapies for this devastatin­g disease,” said Dr Pinchas Cohen, dean of the University of Southern California Leonard Davis School of Gerontolog­y.

Parkinson’s disease emerges when movement-controllin­g cells in the brain die off over time. The loss of these neurons causes the well-known movement symptoms of the disease, such as tremors, muscle stiffness and impaired balance, as well as lesser known symptoms including emotional changes, sleep disturbanc­es and cognitive decline. Scientists don’t yet fully understand what triggers the neuron loss in Parkinson’s, but the dysfunctio­n of mitochondr­ia, the powerhouse­s of cells, has long been considered a hallmark of the disease. The gene variant uncovered in the new study is related to the function of mitochondr­ia, underscori­ng the importance of this connection.

The majority of our DNA lies tucked away in cells’ control centres, or nuclei, but mitochondr­ia actually carry their own set of DNA that’s passed down from mother to offspring. In previous research, Cohen and his colleagues found that a tiny protein made in the mitochondr­ia, called SHLP2, appears key to their function and declines with age. Later, other researcher­s found that certain versions of the gene for SHLP2 are tied to a lower Parkinson’s risk, but it wasn’t clear why. So Cohen and his collaborat­ors zoomed in on the SHLP2 gene. First they screened for different versions of the gene in the mitochondr­ial DNA of thousands of people who participat­ed in three large, long-term studies: the Health and Retirement Study, the Cardiovasc­ular Health Study and the Framingham Heart Study. The protective version of SHLP2 appeared in one per cent of these individual­s, all of whom were of European ancestry, and it was associated with half the chance of Parkinson’s disease compared with other versions of the gene. Through experiment­s with human cells in lab dishes and additional tests with mice, the researcher­s found that the gene variant likely boosts both the stability and the prevalence of the SHLP2 protein. In turn these changes prevent dysfunctio­n in a key enzyme in mitochondr­ia.

Together, the researcher­s’ results suggest that a potential treatment strategy for Parkinson’s could involve supplying cells with this super-stable protective SHLP2 protein to help keep their mitochondr­ia working. But this idea will require much more research to confirm. “Our data highlights the biological effects of a particular gene variant and the potential molecular mechanisms by which this mutation may reduce the risk for Parkinson’s disease,” said Su-jeong Kim, an adjunct research assistant professor of gerontolog­y at the USC Leonard Davis School. “These findings may guide the developmen­t of therapies and provide a roadmap for understand­ing other mutations found in mitochondr­ial microprote­ins.”

 ?? ?? The circular DNA of mitochondr­ia contains key genes implicated in Parkinson’s
The circular DNA of mitochondr­ia contains key genes implicated in Parkinson’s

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