Homebuilding & Renovating


There’s a certain brand of steel windows and doors that offers a range of benefits which makes them the ideal choice for the modern home


As well as being renowned for their impressive slim frames and longevity, the steel windows and doors made by Crittall Windows o er numerous other advantages. But despite the company’s reputation for style and quality, there are still many misconcept­ions about a product that is now proving more popular than ever with homeowners. Here, we break down some of the most common myths about steel windows and doors…

Energy ef cient

The biggest mistruth about steel windows is related to their performanc­e, with many believing that the products are cold and draughty, and therefore won’t keep homes warm during the winter months. However, this isn’t the case as Russell Ager, MD of Crittall Windows, explains: “Thanks to incredible advances in window technology, a traditiona­l steel window can deliver excellent thermal insulation properties that match rival window materials. Our most popular steel windows feature an e ective weather stripping system, to provide better protection against draughts, and are available with double or triple glazing. Both of these developmen­ts with the product mean people can feel confident their home is well insulated all year round.”

Eco credential­s

Far from being unsustaina­ble, Crittall Window products are fabricated from 100% recycled steel and can be fully recycled at end of life — they are also manufactur­ed to last in excess of 60 years, with a much longer life expectancy than those produced from other materials. In fact, steel windows last twice as long as the windows most commonly found in homes across the UK thanks to their inherent strength and resilience. This longevity results in not only a fantastic return on investment for homeowners but proves steel windows and doors are a lasting and sustainabl­e solution.

Versatile style

The belief that Crittall Windows’ products are too restrictin­g in style is very far from the truth — bespoke designs mean they are equally suited to both contempora­ry and traditiona­l homes. The steel windows and doors come in a range of sizes, configurat­ions and colour options that gives homeowners the flexibilit­y to find a design that perfectly matches the style of their home – both outside and inside. Interior steel windows are now being widely fitted to divide up living spaces in order to reduce noise or create more privacy in open-plan layouts.

Perhaps most important of all is the fact that the robustness of steel windows and doors produced by Crittall Windows ensures that homes are well protected against unwanted intruders, thanks to the multi-point locking systems that have been tested to the required Enhanced Security PAS 24 standard.

To discover the real Crittall Windows today, visit www.crittall-windows.co.uk/ residentia­l/

 ?? ?? Above These windows and doors by Crittall Windows not only complement this period home but provide it with a contempora­ry feel
Above These windows and doors by Crittall Windows not only complement this period home but provide it with a contempora­ry feel
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