Hinckley Times

Market Bosworth secure promotion




Counties South East Midlands 1

MARKET Bosworth secured promotion to Regional 2 Midlands East with a comprehens­ive 57-17 win over bottom of the table Oakham.

In order to fulfil this final fixture, Bosworth did agree prior to the game at Oakham that it would be played from the start where the scrums were unconteste­d, with Oakham unable to provide a recognised front row due to a spate of recent injuries to the relevant players.

It was a good ten minutes before the first try was scored possibly with both teams having to get used to a very strong cross wind and deciding how to cope with the situation. Play moved from end to end but from a defensive position on their own line Bosworth broke through the attack and it was Matt Handford who by running the whole length of the pitch scored the first try.

The conversion attempt was blown wide but within seconds Bosworth were back within a few metres of the try line where from a quickly taken penalty prop Owen Hills was able to dive over for Bosworth’s second try which was converted by Jon Horne.

This was quickly followed by another try, this time in the corner when Bosworth full back Will Clarke dived over in the corner but the cross wind was too much of a problem for the kicker.

Oakham eventually got their game together and managed to get their first touchdown in the corner but it was too far out for the kick to be successful. This score seemed to put some spirit into the home sides play and got them deep into the Bosworth half only to lose possession at a line out to Bosworth’s prop Ben Thompson who broke through the line and eventually getting the ball out to wing forward Harry Puffett who dived over for the bonus point try, converted by Horne.

In the final minutes of the half Bosworth added another try to their tally when from a line out the ball was fed through the threes to Harry Parkes on the wing who got the touchdown and with Jon Horne’s conversion Bosworth finished the half 35-5 ahead.

The gale force wind at the start of the second half seemed to give both sides a problem but it was Bosworth who seemed to be able to cope with the conditions better and soon settled down to the job in hand. It was Harry Parkes starting the second half as he had finished the first with another solo try and for Horne to add the conversion.

Oakham once again developed some quick moves and forcing Bosworth to be caught out providing the home side with repeated penalty kicks to get them within striking distance of the line which enabled their centre to dive over to increase their score but unfortunat­ely the conversion attempt rebounded off the upright.

Bosworth were straight back into the game where from a quickly taken penalty, Ricky Wickwar, who had come on at the start of the second half got over for Bosworth’s seventh try, converted by Horne. The referee then decided that Bosworth’s centre, Matt Handford deserved a yellow card for a dangerous tackle and banished him for ten minutes. This depletion had little effect on the Bosworth team as they managed yet again to add another try and conversion to their score.

In the final phase of the game Bosworth were able to add one more try to their tally when full back Will Clarke dived over in the corner, although it was too far out for the kicker. However, the home side had not given up and managed to add another try to their own score with a short range dive over the line and add the conversion to end the game 57-17.

Next season will see Market Bosworth reacquaint­ed with several Leicesters­hire sides they have not met for a few years and Coventry side Broadstree­t . Olney in Buckingham­shire will be the furthest away but generally the away games will be far more local than of late.

This Saturday, Bosworth embark on a new venture with a game in the Papa John’s Community Cup with a home fixture against Birmingham side Old Saltleians with a 3pm kick off.

 ?? ?? Market Bosworth celebrate their promotion.
Market Bosworth celebrate their promotion.

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