Hinckley Times

Rural topics to the fore as annual conference held


THE annual Rural Conference, organised by Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council, was recently held at Mythe Barn, Sheepy Magna.

Delegates representi­ng the rural parishes of the borough, along with key partners including Leicesters­hire Police, the Rural Community Council, voluntary and community sector and business representa­tives attended.

The year’s event focused on learning and celebratin­g the work of our parish councils, networking opportunit­ies and bringing delegates up to date on key priorities:

Launch of updated Climate Change and Biodiversi­ty Strategy 2024 - 2028

Making space for nature, an introducti­on to Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS)

Launch of updated Rural Strategy 2024 – 2028

Updates on local tourism including the Market Bosworth 1485 sculpture trail and Charnwood Geo-park which encompasse­s Ratby, Markfield and Groby.

Community projects update partfunded through the Borough Council’s Parish and Community Initiative Fund, videos of some of these projects can be found on the council YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/@hbbc)

Update and question and answer session from the Leicesters­hire’s rural policing team

Delegates also had the opportunit­y to attend dedicated workshops with Leicesters­hire Police, Voluntary Action Aid Leicester, The National Forest Company and the Borough Council’s Communicat­ions Team. They also heard about the work of Student Footprint, a group of like-minded students from Market Bosworth School who are working hard to make their school and community more environmen­tally friendly with simple but effective solutions, for example producing their own water bottles to encourage more sustainabl­e alternativ­es.

Councillor Martin Cartwright, Executive Member for Rural Affairs said: “I would like to thank all our parish councillor­s and clerks along with our partners for all the work they do for the borough’s communitie­s particular­ly over the past year.

“This conference, at a venue which compliment­s the council’s focus on climate change and sustainabi­lity has provided everyone the opportunit­y to network and be updated on a range of topics covering climate change and biodiversi­ty, tourism, the rural strategy and different community projects plus many other subject areas of interest to rural communitie­s.

“We look forward to developing and progressin­g new initiative­s both within the borough council and its partner organisati­ons in the forthcomin­g year.”

Joanna Garland, Director at Mythe Barn said: “It’s been a pleasure to host the Rural Conference and as a certified ECOsmart venue with sustainabi­lity at the heart of everything we do hope that the themes of the conference

help achieve positive change towards climate change and local biodiversi­ty.”

For further details about the rural work programme and strategy contact Cultural Services email: culture@ hinckley-bosworth.gov.uk

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 ?? ?? Annual Rural Conference at Mythe Barn, Sheepy Magna. Attendees looked at the workshops available and took the chance to network.
Annual Rural Conference at Mythe Barn, Sheepy Magna. Attendees looked at the workshops available and took the chance to network.
 ?? ?? One of the repair and mend workshops on offer. Pictures: Chris De Bretton-Gordon courtesy of Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council
One of the repair and mend workshops on offer. Pictures: Chris De Bretton-Gordon courtesy of Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council

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