Hinckley Times

Here are some pointers to Tory problems


If JMB can’t see the downside of a Tory Government (HT 27/03/24), I would like to help him out with a few pointers that many feel day to day.

14 million living in poverty, including 3.6 million children, within the sixth largest economy in the world. Not even a passing mention of the issue in the PM’s five pledges.

The highest overall level of taxation for decades – offering cuts to the better off, nothing to the poorly paid. No changes to personal allowances for years to come.

The prospect of huge increases in water rates to clean up the pollution caused by prioritisi­ng profit over public health. If I was rowing in the varsity boat race, I’m not sure I’d want to be in the Thames at the moment. Then less obviously, a couple more.

Through so-called Special Enterprise Zones, almost giving away the nation’s assets to the private sector, which may generate some jobs etc, but allows the proceeds to be stripped off as private sector profit, despite much of the funding coming from us taxpayers, money that would be reinvested if organised under public ownership.

Continual “sleaze” with huge amounts of our money being again channelled into the private sector in highly dubious circumstan­ces to say the least. Dodgy Covid contracts aside, there have been a series of Tory party donors that have been effectivel­y gifted massive Government contracts without having to go through a tender process – the company run by the PM’s father-in-law being one of them.

So there you go. If you are already moderately well off, unconcerne­d about others less fortunate than yourself and happy that chunks of the tax you pay end up with people who already have more than enough, JMB is probably right, the choice is clear.


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