Hinckley Times

Hornets extend their unbeaten run to seven


HINCKLEY 41 LOUGHBOROU­GH STUDENTS 28 (National League 2 West)

HINCKLEY go into the Christmas break in good heart after another bonus point win at Leicester Road against Loughborou­gh Students which extended Hinckley’s unbeaten run to seven games and moved them up the table into fourth place.

It was a comfortabl­e victory in the end which could easily have become a rout after Hinckley added their sixth try on 65 minutes with Students having just scored the once, but a combinatio­n of Hinckley taking the foot off the gas and dogged determinat­ion on the part of the Students saw Loughborou­gh add three tries in the last 12 minutes to give them a valuable bonus point which could prove crucial at the back end of the season. Neverthele­ss, Hinckley can feel well satisfied with another ‘good day at the office.’

After some initial issues in the line-out, the Hornets pack dominated proceeding­s up front and it was only a valiant effort at the base of the scrum by Students No. 8 Tamiwa Agbongbon (who was excellent throughout) that prevented Students being utterly humiliated in the scrum.

The backs too had the edge scoring some excellent tries but once more it was Hinckley’s defence that was the crucial difference.

Until the last quarter hour when a raft of Hinckley replacemen­ts saw the defensive organisati­on go a little astray, the division’s highest scoring side simply could not find a way through the men in black and amber.

Director of Rugby Chris Campbell was measured in his praise after the game.

“The first 30 minutes were frantic, and although we controlled the game well with scrum dominance unlike anything I have seen at this level, we couldn’t convert that into points. Part of that was because of the nature of the breakdown but also our lineout didn’t function as well as it has done in previous weeks.

“However, when we got our game going, we blew them away. We scored six tries in a 30-minute period, some of them once again outstandin­g team tries and to be critical of us after we have done that, is showing how far we have come.

“I was though disappoint­ed in the last 15 minutes when Loughborou­gh scored three tries. We had worked very hard in defence for the first 65 minutes so to let them build up some momentum in that period wasn’t great.

“But it shouldn’t be allowed to take away from the victory. The break now comes at a good time, which is contrary to what some might think, but a few of the lads are just starting to pick up knocks and could do with a break. We get a chance now to give them that without having to change the side.”

The initial exchanges were scrappy with neither side able to settle into their game. Strangely, it was not until Oli Bee had been despatched to the bin for a high tackle after 17 minutes that Hornets started to demonstrat­e much in the way of control and the crowd had to wait for almost half an hour for the first score. Even then it was only a penalty slotted by Rory Vowles from 30m after Students were penalised for a deliberate knock-on.

The first try arrived with only seven minutes left of the half. The Loughborou­gh pack were pushed off their own ball at a scrum on halfway, Reuben Logan picked up and fed Ben Pointon who set off on one of his mazy runs, eventually being pulled down around 20m out.

Quick ball found its way to Ed Drake-Lee who almost made the line but Vowles was on hand to pick up and take the ball over for the score. He could not, however, make the conversion.

The next score though came in quick order. Hornets had carried from halfway and forced Students to give away a penalty on their own line. Alec Salt opted to scrum. The ball was released right and, after Hornets battered the line for a good minute or so, Nigel Mukarati eventually wrestled his way over for the score. Vowles converted and the referee blew for the interval with Hornets comfortabl­y set, at 15-0, to take the game away from Students in the second half.

Initially though, it did not go to script. Students won a scrappy line-out just inside the Hinckley 22m and the ball went left. Centre Tom Riman scythed through the Hinckley defence but was pulled down short. The pack took it on and was able to work the ball over the line with Dan Eckersley claiming the score. Alex Wainwright converted.

At 15-7, prospects were not looking as rosy for Hinckley but four unanswered tries in twenty minutes soon changed that. First, Callum Dacey took a quick tap penalty 25m from the Students’ line to get within 5m, and Bee eventually managed to work the ball over the line for the try, with Vowles notching the extras.

Then Pointon broke from halfway to get within 15m, Vowles took it on, knocking it back in the tackle and Drake-Lee was on hand to pounce for the try. Again, Vowles slotted the conversion.

Next it was Sam Read picking up a dropped pass on the Hinckley 22m and streaking the length of the field to touch down under

the posts, leaving Dacey to slot the simplest of conversion­s.

And finally, Dacey himself grabbed what was the try of the game.

From the kick-off, Logan collected and made ground. The ball was worked left and Jamie Dutton carried into the Loughborou­gh half, offloading to Dacey who, with no room to work in, sold a couple of outrageous dummies on his way to touching down in the corner.

That took the score to 41-7 and, with just 15 minutes left, the game was effectivel­y over but Students had not given up on at least a bonus point. Much to the irritation of the home support, they got it!

All three tries came through the forwards and Wainwright converted them all. Hornets were penalised on halfway and, from the resultant line-out, the ball was worked to the line for Dan Cooper to claim the score. Five minutes later Tom Riman touched down after Students had again worked the ball to the line from a free-kick awarded against Hinckley on their own 22m.

And finally, Hinckley uncharacte­ristically allowed the Students pack to drive over without much apparent effort from a 5m line-out.

Cooper claimed his second try and the bonus point. When Wainwright knocked the conversion over to conclude a very successful afternoon with the boot for him, there was a feeling that the scoreline was perhaps a little flattering of the Loughborou­gh performanc­e… but it was still Hinckley’s day overall.

 ?? ?? Action from Hinckley’s win over Loughborou­gh Students.
Action from Hinckley’s win over Loughborou­gh Students.
 ?? ?? Reuben Logan in action for the Hornets.
Reuben Logan in action for the Hornets.

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