Hinckley Times

Borough wreath hangs on door of number 10


A Christmas wreath from Friezeland Christmas Tree Farm in Market Bosworth has won a prestigiou­s award and hangs on the door of 10 Downing Street.

Dr Luke Evans, Member of Parliament for Bosworth, congratula­ted the local business as it was announced they have once again won the award, after also winning in 2019 and 2021.

Winners of the annual British Christmas Tree Growers Associatio­n awards are prohibited from entering again the following year, meaning each year that Friezeland have entered the competitio­n since 2019 they have won best wreath which then hangs on the door of 10 Downing Street over the holidays.

The wreath, adorned with pinecones, cinnamon sticks, apples, roses and bits of locally grown Christmas tree, was hand delivered to 10 Downing Street by Toby Ryley, Friezeland’s Director.

Toby Ryley, Director of Friezeland Christmas Tree Farm, said: “We are delighted here at Friezeland Christmas Tree Farm to win the British Christmas Tree Growers competitio­n once again in Yorkshire, with the best decorated wreath, natural wreath and the best festive wreath in show.

“We could not have done this without the amazing skills of Stephanie Stanley at Flowers by Stephanie who makes all wreaths here on the farm from foliage grown on site.

“We look forward to seeing our wreath on the door of No10 Downing Street for the third time since 2019.”

Dr Luke Evans, Member of Parliament for Bosworth, said: “A huge congratula­tions to the whole team at Friezeland Christmas Tree Farm for their success, it was a pleasure to see them again recently and hear what this award means to them.

“To have won this prestigiou­s award each time they have been able to enter is testament to their talent and the design by Stephanie Stanley.

“The wreath looks fantastic on the door of 10 Downing Street and I’m delighted that it will hang proudly for all to see!”

 ?? ?? Christmas wreath from Friezeland Christmas Tree Farm in Market Bosworth wins prestigiou­s award and hands on the door of Number 10
Christmas wreath from Friezeland Christmas Tree Farm in Market Bosworth wins prestigiou­s award and hands on the door of Number 10

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