Hinckley Times

It is always a pleasure to come along to some of the many events


I’D like to take this opportunit­y to wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

One of my favourite things about the holidays – besides Charlie’s homemade mince pies! – are the many fantastic events happening across our area. It’s always a pleasure to stop by and meet families and friends who are out enjoying the festivitie­s and everything our area has to offer.

Each year people spend time putting up Christmas lights and decoration­s around their homes, brightenin­g up our community as we adjust to the dark nights. I love how our community takes such pride in putting on a show! I do enjoy getting out in the run up to the festivitie­s to see all the displays people have worked so hard on.

It’s become somewhat of a tradition to take a few Christmas cards with me on these walks and drop them at homes across our area with particular­ly snazzy lights. As we’re such a large patch, it’s with regret that I can’t get round to everyone but do please email me a photo as I’d love to see your decoration­s! My email is luke.evans.mp@parliament. uk.

This year’s Christmas card photo was taken at Friezeland Christmas Tree Farm in Market Bosworth. They have – very deservedly – won best wreath at the British Christmas Tree Growers Associatio­n, which is now hanging proudly on the door of 10 Downing Street! It was a pleasure to recently visit the team and hear about their success…do think about stopping by the farm and shopping locally if you’re still looking for a Christmas tree!

This time of year provides us all with the opportunit­y to reflect on the past 12 months. For me, it’s been a busy year…although I’ve said that about every year since I was elected!

There’s a broad approach which I have to life, that I think has been rather fitting since I became your MP: “Learn from the past, but don’t dwell on it. Live in the moment, but don’t get lost in it. Plan for the future, but don’t rely on it.”

This Christmas I think particular­ly about that middle part. As one of only 650 MPs, I am grateful for the trust our community has placed in me. Whether I’m walking into Parliament or my office in Hinckley, I’m reminded of how fortunate I am to represent you. It is not something I have ever, nor will ever, take lightly. Time passes quickly and it’s easy to get swept up in the everyday, but that feeling never loses its shine.

If there’s anything I can help you with please don’t hesitate to contact me via email at luke.evans. mp@parliament.uk. As ever, updates on my work can be found on my website: www.drlukeevan­s. org.uk and on social media by searching ‘Dr Luke Evans MP.’

I hope everyone across our community enjoys the Holidays and that 2024 brings you and your loved ones nothing but prosperity and happiness.

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