Hinckley Times

MP’s buy British campaign sees Morrisons sign up to online idea

94 products on the website as store promises to add more and grow section


A campaign led by Bosworth MP Dr Luke Evans has seen its first success as Morrisons launches a ‘British’ section online.

In August 2023 he wrote an open letter to supermarke­t’s chief executives calling for them to highlight the very best of British produce by implementi­ng a ‘Buy British’ section online.

The letter, co-signed by 121 crossparty MPs, stated: “Our ask is simple, create a tab that collates produce from farmers,’ citing consumer choice, environmen­tal benefits and support for farmers as reasons to make the change.”

Now, Morrisons Chief Executive Rami Baitiéh has written to Dr Luke Evans MP to “confirm that we have implemente­d a ‘British’ section to morrisons.com which enables customers to quickly navigate to British [produce]” such as meat, fish, vegetables and dairy products.

This new section of the website, which groups together key British lines, can be found via the ‘Shop Groceries’ drop down menu on the morrisons.com homepage, with Morrisons saying they “intend to continue developing this section of the website and highlight new lines as they come into season and customer focus.”

When shoppers land on Morrisons online page, the drop down menu takes you to a ‘British’ tab which now collates 94 products. The supermarke­ts promised to continue to add to this selection.

Since writing the open letter over 27,000 people have signed a National Farmers Union (NFU) petition in support of a ‘Buy British’ section online and on Back British Farming Day, September 13th, the Government endorsed the campaign and called for industry-led action by supermarke­ts.

The Conservati­ve MP Dr Luke Evans said: “I’m delighted that Morrisons have implemente­d a ‘British’ section on their online store.

“I’m so pleased to see Morrisons step up and make this small but meaningful change. The ball is now firmly in the other supermarke­ts court, let’s see what they do.

“The aim for the ‘Buy British’ section was simple – to make it easier for consumers to buy homegrown produce and support our nation’s farmers. Morrisons have rightly recognised the importance of supporting our food growers and producers by putting the new ‘British’ section at the top of their webpage.”

Steve Barclay, Secretary of State for Environmen­t, Farming and Rural Affairs, said: “Our farmers produce simply the best food in the world and it’s great for shoppers to have clear informatio­n about the choice to buy British and opt for high quality and exemplary animal welfare standards.

“Supermarke­ts do a huge amount to promote great British food and it is good news they are now finding innovative ways to make it easier to pick British and to back our farmers.”

Therese Coffey, former Farming Secretary, said: “Well done to Morrisons Supermarke­ts for responding so positively to Dr Luke Evans’ excellent campaign for clearer signpostin­g to British produce for customers who shop online, which I was pleased to support when I was Environmen­t Secretary.

“Their new British section of morrisons.com is great news for British farmers and I’m sure consumers will support it. I hope other supermarke­ts will follow.”

Minette Batters, President of the National Farmers Union, said: “It’s great to see Morrison’s launching a ‘British’ section online to signpost shoppers to British produce – something we have been asking retailers to commit to since 2016. I’d like to thank Dr Luke Evans MP for his tremendous support in helping to achieve it.

“We know from our own independen­t survey that 86% of the public want to buy more British food and this simple change with an online button will help shoppers just do that. I hope today’s news will pave the way for other supermarke­ts to follow suit.”

 ?? ?? Dr Luke Evans, MP for Bosworth
Dr Luke Evans, MP for Bosworth

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