Hinckley Times

Primary school applicatio­n deadline is looming near


FAMILIES with children starting primary school for the first time in Leicesters­hire next autumn need to apply by January 15.

Parents and carers can find out more and apply by visiting www. leicesters­hire.gov.uk/admissions

New schools due to open in the next academic year - Wellington Place Primary School (previously referred to as Airfield Farm) in Market Harborough and a new forest primary school for Coalville – are also now available to add as preference­s.

Jane Moore, director of Children and Families at Leicesters­hire County Council, said: “The deadline for applicatio­ns is approachin­g so if you haven’t already, please do have a look at our website, consider your choices and apply.

“We know that starting school for the first time is a significan­t milestone, which is why we have included lots of informatio­n, including details of county schools, as well as hint and tips on the applicatio­n process.”

Families are encouraged to select three schools, including one in their catchment area, to have the best chance of securing a place at a local school. There is no automatic entry for any school. Any applicatio­ns made after the closing date of January 15 will be processed after those made on time.

*If you have already submitted your applicatio­n but now want to add Wellington Place Primary School / Coaville Forest Primary School as preference­s, you can amend your applicatio­n by using an admissions contact form: www. leicesters­hire.gov.uk/popular-now/ apply-for-a-primary-school-place

If you’re not sure if you live in a school’s catchment area, check out their website or drop them a line. This is often a key factor in getting a place.

For further advice on your preferred schools and informatio­n around open days, please contact individual schools directly.

Allocated school places will be announced on national offer days – March 1 2024 (secondary) and April 16 2024 (primary).

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