Queen to speak out on domestic violence on ITV


The Queen is to front an ITV documentar­y exploring her work with victims and survivors of domestic violence.

In the 90-minute programme – titled Her Majesty the Queen: Behind Closed Doors and due to be shown later this year – Her Majesty, 77, will speak to survivors and relatives of those who have lost loved ones.

One of the contributo­rs is Diana Parkes, who was made a CBE for services to people suffering from domestic abuse.

Diana co-founded the Joanna Simpson Foundation in honour of her daughter, who was murdered by her estranged husband in 2010 – a story the Queen has cited as a key factor in her decision to start working with victims of domestic violence.

ITV’s head of developmen­t and commission­ing editor Kate Teckman said: “With exclusive access to Her Majesty as she meets survivors, this film tells the stories of those who have suffered and their families as they bravely share their experience­s to help others.”

Sue Murphy, ITV’s director of factual entertainm­ent, said: “We hope the film will raise awareness and inspire change.”

Meanwhile, the Queen sent a message, along with a donation of almost 70 books, to the Spellow Library Hub in Walton, Liverpool, after it was vandalised during riots following July’s fatal knife attack in Southport.

Steve Rotheram, mayor of the Liverpool City Region, said: “Her Majesty’s gift reminds us that the good in this world far outweighs the bad and bolsters our determinat­ion to come together and rebuild.”

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