Harefield Gazette

Puzzles General Knowledge Quiz


1. How many grandchild­ren did the Queen Mother have? A8 B6 C5 D7

2. According to legend, which city was founded by Romulus and Remus? A Athens B Florence C Rome D Vienna

3. Who invented the hovercraft?

A Sir Christophe­r Cockerell B Sir Robin Day C Sir Richard Revis D Sir Michael Michelob

4. Which Roman road extended from Rome to Rimini (Ariminum)?

A The Pennine Way B The Flaminian Way C The Rimini Pass D The Great Rome Road

5. Which animal’s milk is used to make Roquefort cheese? A Ewe B Calf C Doe D Heifer

6. What is the title of Rick Astley’s ninth and latest studio album? A Are We There Yet? B How Many Sleeps? C It Isn’t Fair! D I Want That One!

7. What was the US equivalent of British music hall entertainm­ent called? A Circus B Cabaret C Vaudeville D Stage show

8. Which cartoon featured the evil baddie Skeletor and also the Castle Greyskull? A He-Man B ThunderCat­s C The Mask D Dungeons and Dragons

9. What is the name for a place of work in which all employees are required to belong to a union? A Restricted Shop B Closed shop C Union Shop D Blue Shop 10. The Aztecs are associated with which country of the Americas? A Brazil B Peru C Mexico D Honduras

11. Which ghost ship associated with the Cape of Good Hope inspired a Wagner opera? A Marie Celeste B Flying Dutchman C HMS Royal D Queen Victoria

12. What is a collection of cloud near the ground surface reducing visibility to less than 1 km called? A Low level cumuli B Ground steam C Cumulonimb­us D Fog

13. In which year was Popeye created? A 1929 B 1899 C 1949 D 1959

14. What part of the body is affected by dermatitis?

A The eyes B The skin C The heart D The lungs

15. Outlaws Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid headed for which South American country in the much-loved Western? A Mexico B Chile C Bolivia D Paraguay

 ?? ?? Rick Astley See Question 6
Rick Astley See Question 6

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