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Pat Murray


At first glance, it’s not clear what links Svita Chernetska,a former fashion boutique owner who arrived in Scotland from her native Ukraine as a refugee and Pat Murray, a 76-year-old former hairdresse­r and college lecturer.

In fact, they are both volunteers with Scottish health charity, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland, helping to support the one in five people living with chest, heart and stroke conditions and long Covid in Scotland

As volunteers in the CHSS shop in Bothwell, both women credit their experience with bringing a sense of community to their lives.

Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland is urging all those looking for a new challenge in 2024 to consider taking up a volunteer role with the charity that will help it reach an additional 175,000 people across Scotland by 2028. The charity is Scotland’s largest volunteeri­ng organisati­on, with 4000 registered volunteers.

It has 15 specific volunteer roles ranging from retail and events volunteers to community support or wellness garden volunteers. And the charity recently launched its ‘community connector’ volunteeri­ng role, designed for those with minimal time who still want to make a difference.

Svita, a fashion stylist, buyer and boutique owner in her native Ukraine found her perfect volunteeri­ng role as a retail assistant in Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland’s charity boutique in Bothwell. She shares why giving back to the community is so important to her.

The 50-year-old arrived in Scotland just over a year ago as a refugee from Ukraine. Shortly after arriving, she made it her mission to give back to the country that was supporting her in her time of need.

She said; “As soon as I arrived in Scotland, I wanted to be useful, to get out and meet people and learn the language, as well as giving back to the country that was supporting me in a difficult time. I began looking for volunteeri­ng roles and was very lucky to find one in CHSS boutique in Bothwell when I walked past the store and saw an appeal for volunteers in the window.

“It is such a beautiful shop. I was so pleased to be able to start volunteeri­ng here and putting my skills to good use.”

Svita’s role in the store includes styling mannequins, creating window displays, as well as advising customers on their style choices. When she is not volunteeri­ng in the store, Svita attends various college courses, including English language.

Svita commented: “I volunteer in the store twice a week. The staff and volunteers are so lovely. They make me feel welcome and it has been so good for helping me with my English.

“The shop is so busy. I love that

Becoming a volunteer has been wonderful for me, we all get on so well as a team and also socialise together

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Committed Svita says the experience has been wonderful

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